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Види діяльності підприємства

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 481

1. to fill in____________________ a. to spend or use up (especially surplus time)

2. to fill someone in ___________ b. to take someone’s place temporarily

3. to fill up (no object) ___________ c. to make or become completely full

4. to fill up (with object) _________ d. to supply someone with recent information


1. Read Martha and John’s talking about their strengths and weaknesses:

Martha:John, remember Mrs. Mills talked about strengths and weaknesses. I've seen those on the application forms and find it really hard to look at myself objectively and decide what my strengths and weaknesses are.

John:I know, my brother said it's a matter of finding the balance between selling yourself and what you are good at, but not making yourself sound perfect. In other words, you need to be a bit critical of yourself without overdoing it. OK, so let's think and help each other out.

Martha:Well, John, I think you are really good at networking. You have a way with people and making contacts that I think would be very good in sales and marketing.

John:Wow, thanks, Martha. As for you, I think your skills are organizational. You are very good at planning and seeing things through. This is definitely one of my weak areas. I think I'm just a bit lazy about getting myself moving.

Martha:Well, John, I don't think it's a good idea to tell a prospective employer that you're lazy. You can't completely hide the negative, but you need to put it in a more positive way. How about saying that you might be considered a bit disorganized, but that's because you focus on the communication side of the task and you're working on your organizational skills. As for myself, I could say that some people might say that I'm impatient, but this may be because I have a lot of drive and enthusiasm to get the job done. I still organize myself and check everything as I go along.

In pairs, discuss what you see as your strengths and weaknesses and talk about how you could present any weaknesses in a more positive light.

Lesson 3. Preparing Your Resume

Warm Up

I. Comment upon the quotation:Writing without thinking is like shooting without aiming. (Arnold Glasgow)

How can it be applied to writing a resume?

II. Read the following statements about preparing a resume and write whether you agree or disagree with each one. Then discuss your opinions in pairs.

When preparing a resume you should…

1. always give your age and marital status _________

2. provide a current address and phone number _________

3. always use your friends as references _________

4. list all your employment experience _________

5. always include copies of personal references _________

6. use a reliable e-mail address _________

III. Read the steps for preparing a resume and number them in the best order. The first one has been done for you. Then compare your answers with your partner.

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