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Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 649

The ME infinitive been < OE bēon was preserved, while its parallel form (OE wesan) was lost. Nevertheless, the past tense forms from wesan, namely «was», «were» survived in ME.

The verb gǭn < OE ʒān lost its past tense form -ede < OE ēode and acquired the new past tense «wente», which came from an entirely different verb, the past tense of the verb wenden < OE wendan (class I, weak verbs) (turn). Thus, the verb gǭn remained a suppletive verb.


Conjugation of the verb bēon in Old English, Middle English and Early New English

Present Indicative

Number Person Old English Middle English Early New English
Singular ic eom, beo i(ch) am I am
  þū east, bist thou art
  hē is, biþ he is he is
Plural 1, 2 3 wē, ʒē, hīe sind, earon, beoþ we, ye, they been/are(n) we, you, they are

Conjugation of the verb bēon in Old English, Middle English and Early New English

Past Indicative

Number Person Old English Middle English Early New English
Singular ic wæs i(ch) was I was
  þū wǣre thou w re
  hē wæs he was he was
Plural 1, 2, 3 wē, ʒē, hīe wǣron we, ye, they w ren we, you, they were


Conjugation of the verb ʒān in Old English, Middle English and Early New English

Present Indicative

Number Person Old English Middle English Early New English
Singular īc ʒā i(ch) gǭ I go
  þū ʒǣst thou gǭst
  hē ʒǣþ he gǭth he goes
Plural 1, 2, 3 wē, ʒē, hīe ʒāþ we, ye, they gǭn we, you, they go


Conjugation of the verb ʒān in Old English, Middle English and Early New English

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