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Організаційна структура Збройних Сил України. Види ЗС України, їх склад і призначення. Склад і призначення родів військ, спеціальних військ і тилу Сухопутних військ.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 472


1. In the text find the words that mean the same as the words in the box.


Search time (C), empty (B), to remove (E), to transfer (C), diskette (B), to restore (C), marks (B), part (B), to revolve (C), to copy (E), to tape (B), to store (E).


2. a) Try to give your own definitions of floppy disks, hard disks, optical disks, CD, data-transfer rate, disk drive. Compare your definitions with your partner.

b) Make your own sentences using as many new words as possible.


3. The phrase hard disk consists of the adjective hard and the noun disk. Make up more phrases with these words combining them with different words so that they make sense. Explain the meaning of each new phrase or word.



hard disk


V. Speaking


Which of the storage devices described in the text would be more suitable for the purposes below? Discuss the pros and cons of each with your partner.


1. To store data and programs at home.

2. To store an illustrated encyclopedia.

3. To hold records of students, teachers or materials at Samara State Aerospace University.

4. To store high-quality audio and video, and hold several movies in different languages.


The following expressions might be helpful: * In my opinion …. * What I think is (that) …. * I really think (that) …. * I am sure (that) …. * I strongly believe (that) …. * I am not sure, but …. * Well, I don’t know, but …. * I can’t make up my mind, but ….  


VI. Writing


You are working in a computer shop and your boss asks you to prepare a list of recommendations for taking care of software stored on disks. Some examples are given to you.


Handle disks carefully.

Never touch their recording surfaces.

Keep disks in envelopes, cassettes in cases.

Write more recommendations






Sources of texts:


1. English for Computer Users, L. Bobileva, Minsk, 2003

2. Infotech, Remacha Esteras, Cambridge University Press, 2003


Sources of advertisements:


1. www.wikipedia.com

2. www.wikipedia.com

3. www.yandex.com)



Ганс Христиан Андерсен

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