Студопедия — Assignments. (a) Quickly look through the list and mark the lettered phrase nearest in meaning to the word or phrase tested
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Assignments. (a) Quickly look through the list and mark the lettered phrase nearest in meaning to the word or phrase tested

(a) Quickly look through the list and mark the lettered phrase nearest in meaning to the word or phrase tested.

1. Consist of: (i) be made up of; (ii) comprise; (iii) arrange in a certain manner.

2. Commonly: (i) usually; (ii) regularly; (iii) obviously.

3. Along with: (i) as well as; (ii) together with; (iii) at the same time.

4. Advantage: (i) a favourable point; (ii) a necessary condition; (iii) an essential feature.

5. Take account of: (i) ignore; (ii) register; (iii) mention.

6. Require: (i) need; (ii) regulate; (iii) command.

7. Reduce: (i) make more; (ii) make impossible; (iii) make less.

8. Depend on: (i) be unable to do without; (ii) be controlled by; (iii) deal with.

(b) " While" in " Some students are able to write rather good answers without really knowing about the subject, while other students who actually know the material have trouble expressing their thoughts in essay form" expresses: (i) simultaneity; (ii) contrast.

(c) Complete the following.


1. The opposite of advantage is—; of wrong is—, of satisfactory is —. 2. Wrong is synonymous with —.

(d) Say which of the following statements are true according to the text. If not, explain why.


1. Spoken examinations are more effective than written ones. 2. An objective test makes it possible to quickly test the student's memory of facts and details. 3. One advantage of the objective test is that it reduces the elements of luck. 4. The essay test is an effective way of finding out if a student has the ability to put facts together in a meaningful whole. 5. There is really no way of testing a student's knowledge. 6. No examinations, whether written or spoken, are satisfactory. 7. The result of an examination often depends on the examiner's mood. 8. Essay tests deal with personal opinions, not facts. 9. Objective tests are more effective than essay tests in learning about the student's range of knowledge.

(e) Sum up what the text has to say on each of the following points.


1. The definition of an objective test. 2. The definition of an essay test. 3. The advantages and disadvantages of: (i) the objective test; (i) the essay test. 4. What makes examinations unsatisfactory to: (i) teachers; (ii) students.

(f) Discuss the ways and methods of testing students' knowledge which you might recommend as both fair and satisfactory.

(g) Compare the examination system described in the text with the system practised at your Institute, University, or school, mentioning all the pros and cons.

(h) Write a pré cis of the text.

Ex 32 Read the text carefully, without a dictionary. While reading, pay special attention to the words you don't know: look carefully at the context and see if you can get an idea of what they mean. Write five questions covering the main points, answer each question in one complete sentence in your own words as far as possible; then, using your answers as guides, write a summary of the text.


The doors of universities and institutes of higher education are open to all graduates of secondary general, vocational and specialized schools.

There are no " dead-end" educational establishments in the USSR. Each stage of education is a stepping-stone to a higher one, up to the highest level.

The departments of institutes of higher education offering full-time study courses admit persons of up to 35 years of age. If by this age a person has not obtained a higher education, he can do so by attending evening classes or taking a correspondence course run by an institute of higher education without discontinuing employment.

More persons wish to get a higher education than the institutes of higher education can admit. Therefore entrance examinations are, as a rule, competitive.

It will do well to remember that the right to education is exercised in our country not only to meet the economic requirements of society, but also to meet the needs of the individual.

The main concern of the state is man, the satisfaction of his requirements and interests, his ability to be the master of his destiny, his creative participation in political and social life. All this directly depends on his level of education. So the task of Soviet schools is to give everyone this possibility, to educate all to be harmoniously developed people — morally, physically and intellectually.

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