Студопедия — D) Discuss in groups the pros and cons of your future specialty
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D) Discuss in groups the pros and cons of your future specialty

V. a) Discuss the following questions:

  1. What does CV stand for?
  2. What is the main purpose of a CV?
  3. What are the key qualities of a successful CV?
  4. How many sections are there in a typical CV? What are they?
  5. What is the best way to structure the contents of your CV?


b) In pairs, discuss the following questions. Listen to Silvia and her friend Sophie, discussing CVs and check your answers.

a) What are the two most popular ways of structuring a CV?

b) What are key differences between the two most popular ways of structuring CVs?

c) Does any of Sophie’s advice surprise you?


c) Listen again and complete the following CV structures:


Chronological CV Skills-based CV
1. your name in large letters 9. ________ ________ in large letters
2. ________ details 10. ________ ________
3. (________ ________) 11. ________ ________ / Career profile
4. ________ / Academic Qualifications 12. Key ________
5. ________ ________ 13. ________ ________ details
6. Activities and ________ 14. ________ / Professional qualifications
7. Additional ________ 15. ________
8. ________ 16. ________


VI. a) Discuss the questions:

1. What general skills and knowledge do most employers look for in job applicants?

2. Apart from specific qualifications and technical expertise, what skills and knowledge have you got that make you employable?


b) Match the transferable skills (1-8) to the examples of professional behavior (a-h):

1. analytical skills a) I have a justified belief in my ability to do the job. I am able to express my opinion or provide advice when necessary. I am good at making decisions.
2. creativity b) I actively seek feedback on my performance and carefully consider feedback. I demonstrate an interest in and understanding of my own and other cultures. I understand my own strength and limitations.
3. self-confidence c) I am good at getting a good deal. I am good at developing and managing relationships with others. I am able to persuade, convince and gain support from others.
4. communication skills d) I am able to formulate new ideas to solve problems. I am able to think ahead to spot or create opportunities. I set aside thinking time to come up with alternative ways of getting things done more effectively.
5. independence e) I can work with sustained energy and determination on my own. I can find ways to overcome obstacles to set myself achievable goals. I strive forward my own targets and refuse to settle for second best.
6. interpersonal skills f) I am good at data analysis. I am excellent at interpreting data to see cause and effect and am able to use this information to make effective decisions.
7. negotiation skills g) I am able to express myself effectively. I am able to make my opinions totally clear and am rarely misunderstood. I produce clear, well-written reports that can be easily understood.
8. self-awareness h) I am good at working cooperatively. I am good at working and communicating within a team to achieve shared goals. I am a good listener.

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