Студопедия — Exotization
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(Foreignization, foreignizing translation strategy, exotizing translation)

Exotization is the opposite approach. It is based on transference procedures, it means that culture-specific concepts of the SL are transferred to the new text (i.e. borrowing foreign expressions with or without a change, e.g. coroner, pub, okay, wow, coke). The bearers of the meaning are the means which are connected with the language and culture of the original. A positive side of exotization is that foreign elements evoke the original atmosphere, a negative that communication/ comprehension is more difficult (it may hinder the reader's ability to comprehend the text). The author uses certain elements to evoke a special atmosphere (in poetry - different kinds of verse are used), however in translation, the same elements may be considered as exotic. The existing tension between the native and the foreign cannot be considered purely as a negative fact. It may be a creative element. It may give a new impulse both to the target (native) literature and the target language.

In conclusion we can say that if foreign (SL) elements prevail in the text (the translator is focused on the original), we can speak of exotization; if native (TL) elements prevail (the translator is focused on the reader of the translation), it is naturalization (a more radical approach is adaptation or paraphrase). In reality complete exotization or naturalization is very rare. The aim of translation is to preserve the aesthetic identity of the work; exotic elements are preserved only if they have a certain function (to create atmosphere etc.) and do not hinder communication (comprehension).

The use of a particular strategy/procedure is determined by the tradition and context of native (TL) literature, as well as by the relation of these two literatures. It also depends on the knowledge (information background) of the reader about a particular country and culture. As to the atmosphere, modern approaches emphasise the preservation of the national and historic uniqueness of the original, but not at the cost of comprehension (communication). It should be aimed at evoking an impression and an illusion of a certain context and environment (and not the mechanical preservation). On the other hand, the aim of the translation should not be the full naturalization (substitution), since it should contain such elements which connect it with the original (time and place). The translator should try to find a balance between original (foreign, SL) elements and native (TL) ones.


Suggestions for further reading

Gromová 2003, Hochel 1990, Popovič et al. 1983, Vilikovský 1984


5.3 Translation of individual types of literary texts

Translation of individual literary texts types (genres) traditionally includes poetry, prose fiction and drama.

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