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1. You have been asked to write a letter to the English newspaper that published the article “Men, the emotional sex” outlining your objections to/support for it. Write the letter in about 250 words. You should say why you are writing, outline your reactions to the article and say why you agree/disagree with it.

2. Choose any of the given topics and write an essay (150 -180 words)

1.Human feelings and emotions

2. Men and women’s thought processes and emotions



I. Choose the correct variant.

1. I can’t give up…

a) to smoke b) smoking c) smoke

2. I don't like … girls very much.

a) dance b) danced c) dancing

3. It was funny. I couldn't help…

a) laughing b) laugh c) to laugh

4. Would you mind a …window?

a) close b) closing c) closed

5. Why did Maggie look so …?

a)worried b) worrying c) worry

6. When we went into the house, we smell burning.

a) could b) were able to c)might

7. She spoke in a very low voice, but I … understand what she said.

a) was able to b) could c) can

8. We were completely free. We … do what we wanted.

a) were allowed to b) could c) Both

9. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody … escape.
a) could b) was able to c)were able to

10. They didn't want to come with us and we …persuade them.

a) were able to b) could c) couldn’t



2. Fill in the gaps with active words from the text:

1. Schachter and Singer performed a series of … designed to investigate how much physiological changes matter in emotions.

2. They involved three groups of … in their research.

3. One group was given an injection of adrenaline and told what sort of … that they could expect from it.

4. A second group was also given an injection, but they were misinformed about the …..

5. With the angry …., the subject would become increasingly impatient, complaining about the experimenters and the waiting period.

6. Schachter and Singer found that the mood their real subjects fell into … the mood of the stooge.

7. The subjects who had been given adrenaline, and misinformed about its effects, reacted very … - they either

8. But the ones, who had been told what changes they could expect, didn't … so strongly.

9.The brain produces the actual emotion that the subject experiences, through … factors.

10. One theory … that, in fact, we can divide the influences on emotion into three groups of factors.


3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. What’s going …?

2. to inject … adrenaline

3. to expect … him

4. to be informed …

5. to show … no effects

6. to wait … the beginning of the match

7. to complain …

8. to fall.. the mood

9. to depend …

10. to be divided …




GRAMMAR: Pronouns and determiners: ALL, EVERY, WHOLE

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