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Pronouns and determiners: ALL, EVERY, WHOLE


We do not normally use all alone. We may say: all of us, all of you, all of them.

We use everybody alone. We may say: Everybody enjoyed the meal.

E.g. All of us knew his address. All of them enjoyed the party. All of you should follow the rules.

But: Everybody wanted to help me. Everybody will be asked at the lesson. Everybody knew the way to the cottage.



We do not normally use all alone. It is normally used alone to mean the only thing. We say: All I have eaten today is a slice of bread. = Единственное, что я сегодня съел, это кусочек хлеба.

We also use all in the expression all about. We say: I’ll tell you all about my holiday.

Sometimes we can use all or everything.

E.g. I’ll do all I can to help you. = I’ll do everything I can to help you.

Everything is used alone. We say: Everything went wrong. He thought he knew everything.

Remember: everybody, everyone, everything, every are singular words. Use a singular verb with them.

E.g. Everybody has arrived. Everyone knows him. Everything goes wrong.

C. Compare: ALL/WHOLE

Remember that whole means complete, entire and is normally used with countable singular nouns. It is preceded by the definite article or possessive pronoun. We say: My whole life was a disaster.

Translating whole into Russian we usually use весь, вся. A whole means полный, целый.

E.g. His whole life was an adventure = Вся его жизнь была приключением.

He’s brought a whole packet of nuts. = Он принес полный кулек орехов.

We normally use all with uncountable nouns. We use the definite article or possessive pronouns after it. We say: I’ve spent all his money in no time.

He’s split all the beer.


D. Mind the use of every, all and whole with time words.

We use every to say how often something happens (every day, every week, every year, every Monday etc.)

We use all day (week, evening etc.) or the whole day(week, evening etc.) to mean the complete day from beginning to end. Mind that in this case we use no article before the noun after all.


Compare: all the time and every time.

All the time means always, and every time means on every occasion.

E.g. They are at home all the time. = Они всегда дома.

Every time I meet her I don’t recognize her. = Всякий раз (Каждый раз) когда я ее встречаю, я ее не узнаю.

Exercise 16. Complete these sentences with all, everything or everybody/everyone.

1. It was a good party.... enjoyed it.

2.... I've eaten today is a sandwich.

3. …. has got their faults. Nobody is perfect.

4. Nothing has changed. …is the same as it was.

5. Margaret told me … about her new job. It sounds quite interesting.

6. Can … write their names on a piece of paper, please?

7. Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn't …

8. I didn't have much money with me. …. I had was ten pounds.

9. When the fire alarm rang, … left the building immediately.

10. She didn't say where she was going. … she said was that she was going away.

11. We have completely different opinions. I disagree with…she says.

12. We all did well in the examination, … in our class passed it.

13. We all did well in the examination …of us passed.

14. Why are you so lazy? Why do you expect me to do … for you?

Exercise 17. Complete these sentences using every with one of the following:

five minutes ten minutes four hours six months four years

1 The bus service is very good. There's a bus...

2 Tom is ill. He has some medicine. He has to take it …

3 The Olympic Games take place ///

4 We live near a busy airport. A plane flies over our house …

5 It's a good idea to have a check-up with the dentist …

Exercise 18. Which is the correct alternative?

1 I've spent the whole money / all the money you gave me.

2 Sue works every day / all days except Sunday.

3 I'm tired. I've been working hard all the day / all day.

4 It was a terrible fire. Whole building / The whole building was destroyed.

5 I've been trying to phone her all day but every time / all the time I phone her the line is engaged.

6 I don't like the weather here. It rains every time / all the time.

7 When I was on holiday, all my luggage / my whole luggage was stolen.


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