Студопедия — Learning at Samara State University of Transport
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Learning at Samara State University of Transport


Entrance to the University is on the basis of the Unified State Examinations for the secondary school.

Most courses at Samara State University of Transport are five years in length. The academic year is divided into 2 terms: from September to January and from February to July.

Teaching is carried out in various forms: lectures, seminars, group work, independent work, etc. Lectures are the most traditional form of teaching in higher education. They allow lecturers to provide information and to focus on difficult areas in some detail. The number of lectures varies from course to course. The engineering students have usually more lectures and laboratory lessons. There are many ways to make notes from lectures. Some people use digital voice recorders to record the lecture and make their notes later. Others scribble down brief notes as the lecture goes along. You will soon learn what is most useful to you. At a seminar, a group of a dozen students meets with a teacher to discuss the material of the lecture.

A wide variety of general engineering subjects as well as majors are studied, for example Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Chemistry, History, Transport Economics and Logistics, Railway Operation, Railway Construction, Computer Science and many others.

Railway engineer is a profession that can take you around the world. If this is your aim then you might wish to broaden your communication skills by learning a foreign language. You have the choice of learning English, German, or French together with your engineering degree. The University offers a program in foreign language professional communication. The language course gives SSUT students a chance to get a good job and to travel around the world.

Tests and exams are taken at the end of each term. The final year is devoted to working on the graduation project, which is submitted to the State Examination Commission. The subjects of diploma papers are oriented towards the needs of railway transport. For those students who want to continue their education, SSUT has a post-graduate course.

SSUT has strong links with major railways of the Russian Federation that provide work placements for our senior students and regularly recruit our graduates.

Studying at University is very different from going to school or attending college. One of the biggest changes between university and school or college is that you are in control of your own learning. Developing your study skills is an integral part of your life as a University student.


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