Студопедия — III. Read the article more carefully. Choose the best answer, a, b or c
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III. Read the article more carefully. Choose the best answer, a, b or c

1. The writers believe that British cooking…

a) has always been very bad.

b) was good until World War II.

c) is good because it is so international.

2. They say that the British…

a) eat only traditional British food in their homes.

b) don’t like cooking with foreign ingredients.

c) buy lots of foreign ingredients.

3. They say that the British weather…

a) enables the British to produce good quality food.

b) often ruins fruit and vegetables.

c) is not such an important influence on British food as foreign trade.

4. They say that World War II had a great influence on British cooking because…

a) traditional British cooking was rediscovered and some good cheap recipes were produced.

b) people had limitless supplies of home-grown food.

c) people started to believe that British food was boring, so after the war they wanted to cook more interesting and international dishes.

5. They say that…

a) British tourists try lots of new dishes when they are abroad.

b) nowadays it is very unusual for British people to cook British food.

c) literature and language are more culturally important than food.

6. The writers’ final conclusion about British cooking is that…

a) there is no hope.

b) you will only be able to get British food in expensive restaurants.

c) you will be able to get more good traditional British dishes, especially in pubs.

IV. In pairs, spend 10 minutes preparing a set of questions, about the article, to ask other pairs. Use the ‘question starters’ below:

1. What would be result of…?

2. What exactly…?

3. In what way…?

4. What’s the main reason why…?

5. According to the text…?

6. What practical measures could be taken to…?

7. How might…?

8. What is it that…?

9. Why can’t…?

10. What do you think is meant by…?

It is interesting to know.…

· British eating habits are very different now from thirty years ago. People travel more and are learning to enjoy food from many different countries. In most towns, there are Chinese and Indian restaurants but in big cities you can also eat Japanese, Thai, Korean and Malaysian food. These restaurants are often cheaper than European restaurants and many people think that the food is more interesting.

· Take-away food is also very popular in Britain. Many people think that the idea of take-away meals comes from the USA, but in fact it comes from Britain. The original British take-away meal was fish and chip chops everywhere, as well as restaurants selling fast food like pizzas and hamburgers.

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