Студопедия — Discussing soccer players and teams
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Discussing soccer players and teams

Nicholas: Mike, what do you say to our watching a good soccer match at the city stadium?

Mike: No, I don’t feel like going out now. It’s likely to rain.

N.: I hardly recognize you, I must say. Nothing can stop you when football is played and such a surprise! Growing older, eh?

M.: No, not that, so far. The trouble is I don’t feel quite well for a couple of days. Cold, I think. So either you go alone or make me company in front of the TV screen.

N.: So let it be TV to-night. When will they televise the game?

M.: Don’t know for sure. But here’s a sports paper. Switch the television on, will you? It’ll be on the air in ten minutes. I think our city has a good chance of winning this cup match now that Armstrong keeps goal again. A superb goalie he is and in excellent trim now.

N.: Yes, but what happened to him last season? He wasn’t in good form. I think it was all due to the injury he sustained at the outset of the season.

M.: Probably. But this year he really works wonders – he is always in top form and doesn’t concede goals. In short, the old-time has got all his pep back. But what about the goalie of the visiting side? As far as I know, he is a crack player too.

N.: Yes, only think of that, man: this starry-eyed tyro joined the team only a couple of seasons ago. And now, I hear, he is one of the best players.

M.: I’ve really never seen such a cool-headed and daring chap as he is. Well, Nick, prick up your ears; the sports commentator is declaring the make-up of the guest side. Their forward line looks formidable, doesn’t it?

N.: Yes, quite an all-star team. And the captain of their team is very good. I think we are in for a bitter disappointment tonight: I’m afraid they will win.

M.: Well, you sound convincing but I am sure the home side may spring a big surprise on the guests. I assure you their forward will fail to grind down our defense but our youngsters from the forward line may too much for their defense.


Make up your own dialogues:

1. Two friends are discussing the football/basketball/volleyball game. One has taken part in it. His team has lost the game. He is upset. His friend tries to reassure and encourage him.

2. Two friends cannot come to an agreement about what to watch on TV. One insists on watching a boxing competition while there is a world figure-skating championship on another channel. His/her friend wouldn't like to miss it.

3. The father and mother of a seven-year-old boy are discussing what sport their son should take up. Each gives arguments for his/her fa­vorite sport. The father wants their son to take up skiing or running as there are a lot of sports facilities and coaches in the city. But the mother would like their son to do tennis or basketball.

4. The mother/father of a seven-year-old girl tries to persuade a tennis coach that his/her daughter is keen on tennis and is determined to be a tennis star. The coach warns the parent against the pressures of professional sport..

5. Two students on teaching practice at school are discussing how to have the fifth-graders interested in sport. One of the friends suggests making a presentation about the Olympic Games. They discuss the details.

6. A Russian exchange student asks his/her American friend to give him/ her some tips about recreation and sport at his/her host university. The Russian student used to do sport in his home country and would like to know if there are any sports facilities at the host university, what the registration procedures and fees are.

7.One of the roommates is an ardent athlete; another is a true " couch potato". The athlete tries to persuade his roommate to take up sport. But the latter doesn't like the idea of getting up at dawn, going to the swimming-pool or spending the weekend in the gym. His opponent tries to make him do at least his morning exercises.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1065. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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