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Конструкция Значение Перевод Пример
As + положит. степ. + as   The same... as   Равная степень качества   Такой же … как He is as cheerful as his brother. Tom is the same age as Bill.
twice as...as   three times as...as   half as much/many   half the size   half the age   half the weight Различие степеней качества в разы В 2 раза   В 3 раза   В 2 раза меньше В 2 раза меньше В 2 раза моложе В 2 раза легче He is twice as old. Their house is 3 times as big as mine. This room is half the size as yours. He is half my age. I am half your weight.
Not so+ положит. степ. + as Not as+ положит. степ. + as Отрицание равенства степени качества Не такой … как This table is not so small as that one.
The + сравн. степень, the + сравн. степень   the warmer…, the better Зависимость одного от другого Чем + сравнит. степень, тем + сравнит. степень   Чем теплее…, тем лучше The warmer the weather, the better I feel. (Чем теплее погода, тем лучше я себя чувствую)
more / less than + положит. степ.   Превышение степени качества предмета Более чем   Менее чем I was more than pleased with my pay rise.
Much / a lot / a great deal / far + сравн. степ much cheaper   far more serious Значительное превышение качества одного предмета над другим   гораздо (намного) намного дешевле гораздо серьезнее Let’s go by car. It’s much cheaper. Her illness was far more serious than we at first thought.
a bit / a little + сравн. степ.   Незначительное превышение Немножко (чуточку) теплее It’s a little warmer today than it was yesterday.


Ex. 1. Choose the right forms in these sentences.

1. Is your house much (further/farther)? 2. Who is the (oldest/eldest) in this class? 3. Your driving is (worse/worst) than mine. 4. It’s the (less/lesser) of two evils. 5. Have you heard the (last/latest) news? 6. We have no (further/farther) information. 7. Jane Somers writes (good/well). 8. His (latest/last) words were: “The end”. 9. This is the town’s (oldest/eldest) house. 10. My flat is (littler/smaller) than yours. 11. I’ve got (less/lesser) than you. 12. Jane is (older/elder) than I am. 13. This is the (more/most) expensive. 14. His English is (best/better) than mine. 15. It’s the (better/best) in the shop. 16. It’s the (furthest/farthest) point west. 17. It’s the (oldest/eldest) tree in the country. 18. She’s my (elder/older) sister. 19. I’ve got the (least/less)! 20. You’ve got the (more/most)!

Ex. 2. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Who was (late) person to leave the building yesterday? 2. (Near) train for Cardiff leaves in an hour. 3. They realized their plan without (far) difficulties. 4. Nell is three years (old) than her husband. 5. Her (old) brother is a well-known pianist. 6. The car was parked in (far) corner of the yard. 7. You will get (far) instructions in a few days. 8. It's (bad) weather we've had for a long time. 9. Can you tell me the way to (near) post office? 10. Hilda is (old) in the family. 11. What do you think of his (late) play? I like it much (good) than his (late) one. 12. I'm looking forward to his (near) letter. 13. Who's (good) footballer in the team? 14. She's actually a good deal (old) than she looks. 15. My (old) daughter does nearly all the housework. 16. Mercury is (near) to the sun and Pluto is (far). 17. You should get the patient to (near) doctor as soon as possible. 18. Your ability to remember things gets (bad) as the years go by. 19. Are there any (far) questions?

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with expressions from the box. Use the … the.

Example: ___ Mark gets, ___he looks like his grandfather.

The older Mark gets, the more he looks like his grandfather.

older/more more/more older/darker more/angrier warmer/more longer/more faster/more more/less more/more/less    

1. ____he drove, ____we laughed.

2. ____I live here, ____I like it.

3. ____I get, ____my hair gets.

4. ____money he lost, ____it made him.

5. ____I learn, ____I forget and ____I know.

6. ____I get to know you, ____I understand you.

7. ____clothes she buys, ____clothes she wants to buy.

8. ____it got. ____time we spent on the beach.


Ex. 4. Circular situations: make sentences like the one in the example.

He drives fast; he gets nervous.

The faster he drives, the more nervous he gets; and the more nervous he gets, the faster he drives.

1. He eats ice cream; he gets fat. (The more ice cream …)

2. He reads; he forgets.

3. She ignores him; he loves her.

4. She buys shoes; she wants shoes.

5. We spend money; we have friends.

6. I sleep; I’m tired.

7. (Make your own sentences.)

8. (Make your own sentences.)

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 673. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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