Студопедия — Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. Investors go back to looking at domestic conditions
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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. Investors go back to looking at domestic conditions


1. Investors go back to looking at domestic conditions. And what they find in the United States is an economy that shows few if any signs of the slowing growth that the Fed. (Federal Reserve) Chairman predicts is on the way.

2. You would have thought that, after the economy crashed in August, the arts in Russia would have grounded to a half. If anything, the opposite is the case.

3. What, if anything did the President bring back from Beijing? Above all, the event itself, the fact that it took place.

4. National governments like the European Commission weak, and even the voters do not want hyperactivity in Brussels. Nor should they: if anything, it should have less money to spend in future, not more.

5. Scott Reed, who ran the 1996 campaign for Bob Dole is quoted to say on the buildup by Governor George Bush of Texas toward an an­nouncement on his plans for a presidential campaign: «If anything, the Bush team has learned that you need to put the filler out there or the void will be filled by somebody else.»

6. New patterns of economic development have brought material af­fluence to the oil-rich countries of the Middle East. In contrast, poverty has, if anything, become more deeply entrenched in parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

7. Such policies contributed to the crisis, and if left in place would harm long-term growth.

8. It may be long time, if ever, before South Korea is strong enough to face unification unaided.

9. However venal politicians may be, there is a general, if grudging, acceptance that they are always with us.

10. In Hungary, Poland and Russia communist parties, now embracing if with differing degrees of conviction, the principles of social democracy, have made an electoral comeback.

11. His greatest skill lies in enticing and reassuring those who are not enemies and who might, if handled correctly, become friends.

12. In the United States, critics have seized on a series of damaging espionage cases and China's apparent attempts to influence U.S. elections as proof of a continuing if amorphous, threat from the world's most populous nation.

13. Whatever the tigers' shortcomings, however, the markets almost certainly overreacted.

14. Whatever the outcome of the leadership contests on November 18 (the Republican Conference is due to elect a new Speaker), the wounds may be deep and hard to heal.

15. Perhaps the party's wobbles are, indeed, exaggerated: after all, the Republicans still control both House and Senate, and whatever the party's setbacks in close contests, the country as a whole voted for the status quo (of 401 House members seeking re-election, 395 won).

16. Under him, and with a strong political will to show Europe as united whatever the cost, Airbus Industry operated in a unique manner, with parts being flown in from Britain, Germany and Spain to be assem­bled in Toulouse.

17. Whatever his reasons he has now brought the other members of NATO face to face with some very big and difficult questions about the military and political structure of Europe and its relations with the United States.

18. But whatever his long term aims, the President's immediate inten­tions and motives were made relentlessly clear at his last Press conference less than three weeks ago.

19. Though this thesis sounds admirably democratic in principle, most people believe that it would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for them to attain unity and real democracy.

20. Of course, interpreting, if more spectacular, is not the only aspect of linguistic activity in the international sphere. Whatever the length of the discourse, a good interpreter never asks the orator to stop in order to enable him to render it bit by bit. Some orators have been known to speak for over an hour non-stop. Interpretations, of course, are usually some­what shorter than original speeches, but even then, this represents tre­mendous effort.

21. By virtue of longevity, if nothing else, Egypt has seen more changes than most.

22. If anything, Ireland has become less fiscally attractive to foreigners over the past few years: many of the grant and tax dodges once used to seduce them have gone.

23. Latin America, like Canada, will long remain dependent on the United States for export markets. Its migrants will still go north, legally or not. So will its drugs. Willy - nilly, it will still have to recognise the pri­macy of its giant neighbour. But, however imperfectly, and however un­evenly — it is far from homogeneous — Latin America is today part of the same free-market, democratic society.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1614. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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