Студопедия — Упражнение 10. При переводе обратите внимание на точное значение модального глагола.
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Упражнение 10. При переводе обратите внимание на точное значение модального глагола.

1. If, in the sixty years after 1789, England was to have a revolution on the French model, most Englishmen believed that it would begin in Manchester.

2. The slave-owners in Puerto-Rico were obliged to render a monthly report of the number of slaves who fled to the mountains.

3. The adventurist policy of these countries was bound to result in bankruptcy.

4. As the Suez route was yet to be opened, the ship had to circumnavigate half of the globe before reaching the Pacific Ocean.

5. These brave people were compelled to fight for every inch of soil.

6. It is also to be noted that in the inscriptions and written documents of this period we frequently find in one country forms and words that were later to become distinctive of the other sections.

7. Such flower as this is not to be found in the vicinity.

8. The reader should keep in mind the marked distinctions between the two processes.

9. “The world is not to be comprehended as a complex of ready-made things”, wrote Engels, “but as a complex of processes in which things apparently stable, go through an interrupted change of coming into being and passing away”.

10. Rousseau, in his Contrat Sociale and Emile (1760 – 1762) had first formulated those ideas which were to shake the foundation of European society.

11. For his lord’s sake the retainer was bound not only to lay down his own life cheerfully, but to sacrifice the life and honour of those nearest to him.

12. This sonnet and the one quoted above need, in fact to be considered together.

13. The origin of this art, so far as technique is concerned, is to be traced back to the tomb painting of Graeco-Roman Egypt.

14. In 1820 Keats was compelled to seek warmer skies, and died in Rome early in the next year, at the age of twenty-five.

15. The new text bears many affinities with treaties of the second millennium B.C. In this way it should further the understanding of this type of literature, which is common to the whole of Ancient Near East.

16. Near the wall we unearthed building foundations on 12 sites, discoveries of which led to much discussion about our members. Some of us believe that the foundations uncovered may be the remains of those palaces, but this will have to be further substantiated.

17. Henry VIII (1509 – 1547) was the first king since Henry V who did not have to fight a battle to win or keep his throne.

18. A similar origin should probably be assigned to the extensive accumulations of sand, clay and fine gravel which are to be found on the coast of Alicante.


Упражнение 11. Сопоставление сочетания «to be + инфинитив» в различных функциях. Переведите, предварительно определив функцию сочетания «to be + инфинитив».

1. The opposite view is to deny any philosophic relevance to literature.

2. A series of events took place which within a few years was to work a transformation in the island kingdom.

3. These tales lack the artistic beauty of expression and of imagery which are to be found everywhere in his greater poems.

4. A second, not contradictory approach, is to study the sum of individual traits by which this system differs from comparable systems.

5. The change which was to come over English poetry, and the new style which was to dominate that poetry for more than a century, owes its inception to this great poet.

6. Dickens was for a time editor of the London and Westminster Review, and his purely literary efforts in the essay are not to be ignored.

7. With the longer poems (of Shelley) went a brilliant cascade of shorter lyrical pieces. To name them is to mention some of the sweetest English lyrics.

8. The aim of the dialectical method is to enable us logically and consistently to express the real interconnection and motion of things.

9. The mural paintings are by no means to he found in ail the caves inhabited during the Glacial Epoch.

10. The great achievement in the cultural field was the creation of a department of archaeology, whose function was to preserve the monuments of Indian arts and, by excavations, to discover more of them.

11. This serious problem of Ancient Rome is not to be disposed of so lightly.


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