Студопедия — Упражнение 2. При переводе обратите внимание на время глагола-связки to be.
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Упражнение 2. При переводе обратите внимание на время глагола-связки to be.

1. Our aim was to include all pertinent information that came to our attention up to October, 31, 1951.

2. The first business of every science is to observe the facts and phenomena with which it has to deal; and to classify and state them methodically.

3. Their method of conquest was to make military roads and to plant along them forts garrisoned by the regular troops.

4. My concern here has been to show that a significant difference separates these two types of methods.

5.The object of this little book will be explain by examples how the different parts of speech are used and to show from their uses how they should be defined.

6.To assign all the words of English to their original sources is not to determine the mode of their entrance into English.

7.The method of reading was, according to N., to read one row from left to right, then come back reading the next from right to left.

8. In so far as a foreign language coincides with the native tongue, to study one is to study another.

9. The function of this staff is to maintain the service of books to readers, to assist in finding books and to give advice in problems of research or bibliography.

10. Our task in this case would be to find the original picture.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сочетание to be going to + инфинитив.

Примечание: То be going to +инфинитив может иметь значение будущего времени, лишенное каких-либо добавочных оттенков.

1. University work is going to be very difficult for you unless you work out some basic principles of study. 2. This scientific problem is not going to be solved in the twentieth century. 3. University work is going to make heavy demands upon the students. 4. You are going to enjoy this book. It is very interest­ing and amusing. 5. University teachers are not going to plan your work for you the way school teachers did.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетание глагола to tend с инфинитивом:

Примечание: Глагол to tend в сочетании с инфинитивом имеет значение «обычно, как правило».

1. Social forces tend to regularize individual behaviour. 2. Members of the same family tend to have many common features in their behaviour. 3. Slow readers tend to comprehend the subject matter better than fast readers. 4. We tend to exaggerate our own troubles and diminish those of others. 5. Dreams tend to be forgot-ten very soon.


Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетание глагола to fail с инфинитивом:

Примечание: Глагол to fail с инфинитивом может иметь значение неспособности совершить действие, выраженное инфинитивом:
I fail to understand his behaviour. — Я не могу понять его поведение.
Этот глагол может также служить показателем отрицания лишенного каких-либо дополнительных значений: In his report, he failed to mention some important facts. — В своем докладе он не упомянул некоторые важные факты.

1. The students failed to translate some sentences because they were too difficult. 2. He had a good memory for detail, but often failed to grasp general principles. 3. Critics of Freud sometimes fail to appreciate the importance of facts discovered by psycho-analysts. 4. I fail to understand why you are always late for classes. 5. She read too much for her age and books for children failed to satisfy her. 6. Some people fail to realize that they have obligations as well as rights. 7.If a scientist has no knowledge of the humanities he fails to see his own branch of science in perspective.8. He kept obstina­tely to his own point of view and all the arguments of his opponents failed to impress him. 9.Proponents of this theory have so far failed to prove it with facts. 10.The new evidence fails to confirm the results of the previous research. 11. I fail to understand your point of view.


Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетания существительного failure с инфинитивом:

Примечание: Существительное failure, как и глагол to fail в сочетании с инфинитивом, может иметь значение как неудавшейся попытки, так и простого отрицания. При переводе сочетания с сущест­вительным failure удобно разворачивать в придаточное предложение: Failure to recognize these factors resulted in serious mistakes. — To, что эти факторы не были признаны, привело к серьезным ошибкам.

1. Experimental data should be carefully recorded. Failure to do so may greatly distort the results of the experiment. 2. When a teacher is disappointed in his student he is actually disappointed at his own failure to reach his goal. 3. Teenagers are often angry with the adults for their failure to take them seriously. 4. The scientist was frustrated by the government's failure to finance his research project. 5. Failure to appreciate this great discovery retarded the development of science.

Упражнение 7. Дайте точный перевод составного сказуемого.

1. As the Cave Four material flowed in, it became clear that its bulk was going to surpass by far anything found in the first Gave.

2. Sinan (the ancient Arabian doctor) organized a staff of physicians who would go from place to place carrying drugs and administering relief to ailing people.

3.However, with all his deep sympathy with suffering in any shape or form, the author has somehow failed to reproduce these feelings in his work...

4.The statues which came from the quarry — to be described later — used to stand on a platform about a yard and a half across at the top of the parapet.

5.Athens, though still a centre of philosophical study and thought, had ceased to be of any direct importance at that time.

6.The art of picture writing later was developed to a high degree by some American Indian tribes, who would inscribe on the bark of trees complete pictorial histories of their expeditions.

7.The force of this conclusion will be apparent in the following chapter when we come to discuss the problem of invention.

8.Then, when that cave was explored, the party would have to move on to another, perhaps hundreds of feet above or below, and start afresh

9. As time passed, most of the land that was reclaimed on the frontiers gradually came to be held by a few lords. As the nation grew, these reclaimed lands eventually formed the larger part of its area. Then as a reward for service or because of some special influence at court, individuals would be given estates to hand down to their descendants.

10. Then it became clear that ten thousands of pounds were going to be required to save this fabulous library.

11. A year later (1887), Andre Antoine, an amateur actor, founded Le Theatre Libre in Paris for the production of new plays which failed to attract the Commercial Theatre managers.

12. The business of which he was a director was about to crash.

13. Hugh sent an embassy of twenty four knights to inform the governor that he was about to arrive and repeat his demand for a suitable reception.

14.The knight now attempted to unsheath the sword in his belt, but his arm failed to obey his will, and he fell to the ground.

15.The men used to wear nothing but a wide belt of beaten bark.

16. The stone artifacts fail to show any consistency pattern of fracturing and could easily have been produced by one or more natural forces.

17.Failure to realize this fact has led to many extravagant claims made by some natural forces.

18.These studies could not fail to throw light upon many an aspect of history and archaeology but their immediate interest lay in what they told about human speech.

19.The pictures which the Egyptians used to record events and to express ideas are called hyeroglyphics.

20.After his failure to relieve Nicae the sultan had withdrawn eastward to gather his own force and to conclude peace and alliance with the Emir.

21.No one, examining the evidence of Greek failure, cultural and social-political, can fail to perceive how closely the two aspects are interwoven.

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