Студопедия — Test 64
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Test 64

Use the proper form:

1. He (buy) a new house last year, but he (not, sell) his old house yet, so at the moment he (have) two houses.

2. Tom and Jack (work) in different offices but they often (go) to work on the same train.

3.1 can't find my glasses. - You (leave) them in the car yesterday. I just (put) them back into your drawer.

4. I already (pick) ten pounds of strawberries! I (grow) strawberries for ten years.

5. We arrive in England in the middle of July. We (be told) that England (be) surrounded in fog all year round, so we (be) surprised that the sun (shine) brightly that day.

6. The documents (sign) by the president of the company by 9 o'clock tomorrow.

7. This book (not, translate) into Russian yet.

8. A new railway line (construct) across the desert now.

9. A new Metro line (build) in our city by the end of next year.

10. Many goods (export) from China to different countries of the world.

11. The article (not, translate) yet? - Oh, it (translate) by 2 o'clock yesterday.

12. You (must, could, may) come to my place whenever you like.

13. We (may, to be to, can) meet at 2, but she didn't come.

14. This is (difficult) problem I ever (have).

15. I'm afraid I can't do it (good) than you.

16. The 22nd of June is (long) day in a year and what day is (short)?

17. The (much) I read the (much) I know. But why do I forget so (many, much, few)?

18. England is (densely) (populate) than Scotland and Wales. It's one of (densely) (populate) parts of Great Britain.

19.... weather is fine today, but I don't like... hot weather. (a/an, the, -)

20....People cannot live without... water and...air,...? (a/an, the, -)

21. He works as... engineer at... big plant, (a/an, the, -)

22. His composition is much (interesting) than (your, yours) or (my, mine).

23. Have you got (some, any) money on you? - Not (many, much).

24. Were (many, much) questions left unanswered? – Only (few, a few).

25. (Some, any, no) doctor can tell you that smoking is harmful for your health.

26. Will you have (some, any, no) tea? - No, thanks. I'd prefer two (ice-cream).

27. He shook hands and had a few minutes talk with (each, everybody) of us.

28.1 (lose) my fountain-pen. I must buy (other, another, the other) one.

29. This company (sell) television equipment and (other, others, another) goods.

30. There were two students in the classroom. One of them was reading a book, (other, another, the other) was writing (something, anything).

31. You... come and see us sometimes.

32. You... read the whole book but you... read the first four chapters.

33....you often...to stay at the University after classes last year?-Yes, we...

34. Excuse me,... you tell me the shortest way to the station?

35. He is very upset. I think you... apologize.

36. The students... smoke in the study rooms and the corridors.

37. I don't think people... get married until they are 21.

38. It... rain, so I'll take my umbrella (though I'm not sure in it at all).

39.1... have my hair cut.

40. You... use my dictionary for the test if you want. (2 verbs)

41. We... start yesterday (this was the plan); but the flight (cancel) because of the fog, so we are still here, as you see. (must (not), can (not,) may (might), be able to, be to, needn't, have to, could, should)

Use Passive Constructions:

42. People will talk much about the successful debut of the young actress.

43. You should send the sick man to hospital.

44. Why did they laugh at him?

45. You can always rely on her.

46. The lecturer advised the students to read some rare books on this problem.

Change into Reported Speech:

47. "I've bought two tickets for the performance".

48. He told me, "Take a taxi not to be late".

49. She asked, "Are you discussing my proposals now?"

50. The students asked the lecturer, "When did you publish your first translation of this book?"

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 480. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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