Студопедия — Test 101
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Test 101

1. When the boy (realize) he (lose) his way he (start) to panic.

2. She (not, be) in a hurry that Monday morning because she (take) the day off.

3. How long you (live) in Sydney before you (move) back to London?

4. We (attend) our first lecture at the university at this time next Monday.

5. The pubs in London (restore) to their original Victorian beauty.

6. I've got two pounds and want to buy a CD. - Two pounds (is, are) not enough to buy a CD.

7. If I (be) you, I (get) a mobile phone.

8. I was worried as I (be) late because of the traffic.

9. (Would, shall, will) we go for a walk this afternoon?

a) Yes, we would. b) Why not. It's a lovely day.

10. I'm sure the book is in your desk. It (must, can, may) be there.

11. Our new car is twice as (expensive) as (their, theirs), but it is far (cheap) than (your, yours) car.

12. Tom is (a, the, —) wonderful artist. No one else can paint (like, as) him.

13. What Mark (do) for a living? - He works (as, like) a hotel manager.

14. We have got... dog now. It's... German Shepherd. Some years ago we had... cat. It was... Siamese, (a, the, —)

15. Such English names as... Ordeon,... Hilton,... Plaza,... British Museum,... Tate Gallery,... Titanic,... Times are known to many people all over... world, (a, the, -)

16. Mark lived in... London, in... Oxford Street some years ago. He speaks... English fluently, (a, the, -)

17. I felt sorry (about, on, for) the children when we went (on, to, in) holiday as it rained every day.

18. I'd like to know the truth. Tell me (everything, all). Tell me (all, everything) you know, please.

19. (The most, most) people would like to earn (much, many, lot) money to live without (some, any, no) problems.

20. I'm afraid, we've (no, none, neither) money to buy this picture. - You are right. We haven't got (some, any, no) money to buy (it, its, it's).

21. We (live) in Cardiff for ten years when the company that Bill (work) for (offer) him a position at the London office.

22. Where you (be) yesterday afternoon? I (call) you all afternoon but there (be) no answer.

23. London (change) a lot recently. First of all, the historic sites (clean) and restored, making the city look as if it (revitalize).

24. I (blame) for it before I even (have) a chance to defend (myself, oneself, ours).

25. The refugees (prevent) from entering the country. It's a serious problem now.

26. The first goal (score) by our team, but unfortunately they (lose) the game.

27. If you (put) on the kettle, I (make) the tea, but now I have no time to do it.

28. The police informed him that he (be) under arrest, adding that he (can, must, may) remain silent but (something, anything, nothing) he said (take down) and used against him.

29. The doctor suggested I (see) a counselor, and he added that a counselor (could, must, may) help me get over my difficulties.

30. Your notes are almost illegible. If you (type) them, they (be) a lot easier to read.

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