Студопедия — C Managing Director d John
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C Managing Director d John


4.1 (1) Click Camera Company (2) 1000 Riverview Boulevard New York (3) 10010 (4) Mrs. May Carter 4015 (5) 22nd Street (6) Honolulu, Hawaii 96822   a the house number in the return address b the addressee c the town the letter is sent to d the sender’s company name e the street name in the mailing address f the ZIP Code in the return address 4.2 (1) Slembrouck BVBA Violetstraat 187, (2) B – 1000 (3) Brussels, Belgium (4) Drinks Machines Ltd 186 (5) Park Lane Bristol (6) BS2 8BE UK   a the ZIP Code in the mailing address b the addressee c the town the letter comes from d the sender’s company name e the street name in the mailing address f the ZIP Code in the return address
4.3 (1) Damen Printers, Inc. 101 Gould Street (2) Wakefield, MA 01880 (3) USA (4) Reservation Manager Rite Hotel 20 (5) Peace Square Paris (6) P3571 France   a the sender’s company name b the country the letter comes from c the ZIP Code in the mailing address d the addressee e the town the letter comes from f the street name in the mailing address     4.5 (1) Hafta Co 12 Bank Road (2) Liverpool (3) L23 4MR England (4) Mr. David Bintley 4 (5) King Street Foxhill Cambridge (6) CA25 3VC   a the ZIP Code in the mailing address b the addressee c the town the letter comes from d the sender’s company name e the street name in the mailing address f the ZIP Code in the return address 4.4 (1) New Jersey power Company 5695 South 23rd Road Ridgefield, (2) NJ 08976 (3) Mr. Frederick Wolf (4) Director of Marketing Smith Printing Company (5) 673 Sixth Avenue Milwaukee, (6) WI 53136 a the sender b the addressee’s position c the ZIP Code in the return address d the addressee’s name e the ZIP Code in the mailing address f the street name in the mailing address   4.6 (1) Sun Express 20 (2) Gloucester Place (3) Corydon CR 12 DH (4) Ms Charlotte Mc Envoy (5) Western Travel 12 The Crescent Briton (6) BR3 5YT   a the name of the sender b the addressee c the town the letter comes from d the addressee’s company name e the ZIP Code in the mailing address f the street name in the return address
4.7 (1) Midtec Cables Ltd, Cotton Road (2) Exeter (3) EX 49 DT England (4) Mrs I. Ruth (5) Golden Holidays 12 Cambridge Court London (6) WC2H 8HF   a the sender b the addressee c the town the letter comes from d the addressee’s company name e the ZIP Code in the mailing address f the ZIP Code in the return address 4.8 (1) The Court Hotel Chilcompton Bath Avon (2) BA3 4SA (3) UK (4) Mr S. Ghislain Slembrouck BVBA Violetstraat (5) 187 B-1000 Brussels (6) Belgium   a the country the letter comes from b the addressee c the country the letter is sent to d the sender’s company name e the ZIP Code in the return address f the house number in the mailing address
4.9 Helen Richmond (1) 6295 Glenwood Drive (2) Albuquerque, (3) NM 87001 Dr. Alexander Moris (4) Avondale Medical Center (5) 453 Camilla Drive (6) Atlanta, GA 303000   a addresser’s city name b name of organization c state abbreviation d recipient’s city name e street address and suite number of recipient f street address and suite number of addresser 4.10 (1) Benedetta’s Boutique 18 (2) Equator Avenue (3) Irving, Texas 75060 (4) Mr. A. Dale Grand Office Supplies (5) 457 Broome Street Boulder, Colorado (6) 80306 a the ZIP Code in the mailing address b the addressee c the town the letter comes from d the sender e the street name in the return address f the house number in the mailing address
4.11 (1) Wilson & Sons 38 (2) Cherry Road Criswill, (3) Ohio USA (4) Supplies Ltd Box 49 (5) Oakville,Ontario L6J7K1 (6) Canada   a the sender’s company name b the country the letter is sent to c the state the letter comes from d the addressee’s company name e the town name in the mailing address f the street name in the return address   4.12 (1) A&P Accountants 4563 Presley Avenue Memphis, (2) Tennessee 50647 (3) Tech Tools, Inc. (4) 3553 Johnson Avenue (5) Houston, Texas (6) TX a the ZIP Code in the mailing address b the sender’s company name c the town the letter is sent to d the addressee’s company name e the house number in the mailing address f the state the letter comes from


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