Студопедия — To enter higher education
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To enter higher education

to enter / get into / go to (a) school / college / university: Eighty percent of the applicants entered university with good grades. | She got into Edinburgh University.

to get in: In spite of the stiff competition (for places) he got in.

7. to enrol (BrE) | to enroll (AmE) (1) [ intransitive ] to officially arrange to join a school, college, university, or course поступить, быть принятым (в учебное заведение), записаться (на курсы)

to enroll (at / in a school / college / university): Classes began soon after we enrolled. | Andrew cannot enrol at his local school because the class is full. | He enrolled at the University of London to study history.

to enrol for / in / on a course / programme: Bill enrolled for / in / on a four-year teacher-training course.

to enrol in / for classes / lessons: Californians are rushing to enrol in special aerobics classes.

to enrol for study / studies / training: Candidates from overseas are not normally allowed to enrol for part-time study. | That year Sam enrolled for law studies in Cape Town.

to enrol as sth: He enrolled as a part-time student.

(2) [ transitive ] to arrange for someone to join a school, college, university, or course принимать, зачислять (в учебное заведение)

to enrol sb at / in a school / college / university: His parents enrolled him in a military academy when he was only eight. | He was enrolled in a community college in Arizona.

to enrol sb for / in / on a course / programme: Isabelle enrolled her brother in a training programme for engineers.

to enrol sb in / for classes / lessons: I must enrol the children for piano lessons before next week.

to enrol sb for study / studies / training: She applied to be enrolled for training as a sick children's nurse at Boston Pilgrim hospital.

to enrol sb as sth: He is enrolled as a part-time student.

8. to matriculate [ intransitive ] (formal) to officially begin studying at a university or, in the USA, at a school or college поступить, быть принятым (в учебное заведение): matriculated students | And it was Morrill who asked that Ezra be allowed to matriculate.

to matriculate at sth: Cecil matriculated at Trinity College, Oxford.

9. to admit | to accept [ transitive ] to allow a person to join an educational institution принимать, зачислять (в учебное заведение)

to be admitted (to / into sth): Students are admitted to British universities largely on the basis of their results in the examinations for the General Certificate of Education at Ordinary or Advanced level.

to be accepted (by / to sth): I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. | Then he was accepted to Magdalen College.

10. entrance | entry [ uncountable ] permission to start studying at a school, college or university поступление: the minimum standards of university entrance | Independent preparatory schools prepare their pupils for public school entrance.

entry / entrance to / into sth: These examinations qualified children for entry to / into higher education. | 45% wanted entry to grammar schools to be determined by continuous assessment.

to give (sb) entry / entrance to sth: A selective system with an examination at 11 gives entrance to grammar schools.

to deny sb entry / entrance to sth не принимать: Older students are being denied entry into full-time education.

entrance / entry / admission requirements / criteria требования для поступления в учебное заведение: The minimum entrance requirements for British universities / degree courses are five passes at GCE O level and two passes at A level. | Fewer than one in five of the schools answering the survey said they have no academic admissions criteria for new students.

entrance / entry / admissions examination вступительный экзамен: Emphasis on admissions examinations has been widely criticized in the USA because the examinations measure only competence in mathematics and English.

11. matriculation [ uncountable ] зачисление (в учебное заведение)

12. admission [ uncountable ] | admissions [ plural ] | enrolment (BrE) | enrollment (AmE) [ uncountable ] permission given to someone to become a student at a school, college, or university прием (в учебное заведение): Admission to the school is by examination. | The college adopts / sets / has / practises a very selective admissions policy. | Laura Spence performed best in the interview section of her admissions procedure. | Enrolment will take place in September. | Fees must be paid at / on enrolment. | A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable prior to / before enrolment.

to apply for / seek admission (to a school / college / university): A lot of school-leavers apply for admission to university.

to gain admission (to a school / college / university): Not all of those who applied gained admission to the university.

open enrolment свободный прием в учебное заведение (независимо от каких-либо формальных ограничений, например от места жительства): The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.

13. admissions [ plural ] | enrolment [ countable ] the number of people who become students at a school, college or university прием, набор (в учебное заведение): They want to limit admissions to 500 students a year. | By 1922 the public schools had an enrolment of nearly 16,000 students. | Student enrolments (for science courses) have more than doubled. | The study suggests that the new policy can increase secondary-school enrolment by 19%.

14. admissions (board / department) [ countable ] приемная комиссия: I had a great interview with admissions at Columbia University. | To find out about entry requirements for students, write to the college admissions board.

15. admissions dean | dean of admissions [ countable ] председатель / ответственный секретарь приемной комиссии: He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.

16. admissions tutor / officer [ countable ] член приемной комиссии

17. registrar [ countable ] (at some colleges and universities) an official in charge of exams, keeping records and admitting new students регистратор; секретарь (в учебном заведении)

18. to reject [ transitive ] to refuse to accept someone for a course of study отказать в приеме, не принимать (в учебное заведение); отклонить: Local universities now reject as many as 15,000 students per year. | Jim was rejected by every college / university he applied to.

19. competition (for places) [ uncountable ] the activities of people who are trying to get something that other people also want конкурс; конкуренция, соперничество: Competition for places in high status universities is so enormous / great / fierce / stiff / strong / tough that after-school attendance at expensive private crammer schools is virtually compulsory. | The competition to enter universities is now very strong.

20. place [ countable ] an opportunity to join a school, college, university, course etc место (в учебном заведении): I've been offered a place at York University. | There are still a couple of places left on / in the course. | Jenny has a place to study law at Exeter this year.

to get / secure / win / gain a place: Steven has secured a place at Manchester University.

to fill a place: Course organizers are hoping that all the places will be filled.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 1066. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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