Студопедия — SUPPLEMENT
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Keys for Task 3 – choice of photos:




(State Structure of Great Britain, the USAandthe Republic of Belarus)


1. The Constitution of... a) the United States; b) Great Britain; c) the Republic of Belarus... grants all the legislative powers of the federal government to the Congress.

2. The only non-elected second chamber in the parliament in the world is... a) the Council of the Republic of Belarus; b) the Senate; c) the House of Lords

3. a) The House of Representatives; b) the House of Lords; c) the Senate... has 100 members.

4. One-third of... a) the House of Lords; b) the Senate; c) the Council of the Republic of Belarus... is elected every two years.

5. The Vice President is the presiding officer in the... a) House of Representatives of the Congress; b) Senate; c) House of Commons.

6. The House of Commons is presided over by... a) the Lord Chancellor; b) the Speaker; c) the Prime Minister

7. The executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers in... a) the Republic of Belarus; b) the USA; c) Great Britain

8. The Council of the Republic of Belarus consists of... a) 110 deputies; b} 64 deputies; c) 435 deputies

9. The judicial branch in the USA is headed by... a) the Constitutional Court; b) the Supreme Court; c) the federal court of appeal.

10. The judicial system is the most complicated in... a) the Republic of Belarus; b) the USA; с) Great Britain.

11. "Front-benchers" are the leading members of... a) the party in power; b) both parties; c) all existing parties... in the House of Commons.

12. The President is elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected for another term but not longer in … a) the Republic of Belarus; b) the United States; c) Great Britain.

13. The absolute power of the British monarchy has been progressively reduced... a) in the process of political evolution, b) in the Magna Carta; c) by the Constitution adopted by the Parliament.

14. The US Constitution was adopted in... a) 1620; b) 1787; c) 1861

  1. The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in... a) Belarus, b) Great Britain; c) the USA.

16. There's no universal legal system in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

17. The President is the chief executive in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

18. The term of office of the Parliament members of different chambers is the same in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

19. The Supreme Court determines whether the laws and official enactments correspond to the Constitution in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

20. The upper chamber of Parliament isn't elected in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

21. "Convention" means a set of rules and practices which are regarded as vital for the operation of the government in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

22. "Convention" means the congress of the party's representatives to nominate the candidate for the highest post of the state in... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

23. The... a) Labor; b) Liberal; c) Conservative party of Great Britain traces its origin back to the Whigs.

24. The Democratic Party was founded by... a) George Washington; b) Thomas Jefferson; c) Abraham Lincoln.

25. Most of Belarusian electorate... a) don't support any party; b) back the Communist party of Belarus; c) favor the Belarusian Popular Front.

26. "Union Jack" is the name of the national flag of... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA

27. Each part of... a) Belarus; b) Great Britain; c) the USA... has its own patron saint and national emblem.

28. The flower of... a) shamrock; b) leek; c) flax... is used in the ornament of the Belarusian national emblem.

29. The "Stars and Stripes" was adopted as a national flag of the USA in... a)1782: b) 1777 c) 1864

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 371. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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