Студопедия — Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check
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Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

In each pair of sentences given below choose the one from the recording.

1. a)... the image of Britain as a beer-drinking country is out of date.

b)... the image of Britain as a beer-consuming country is no longer true.

2. a) Pubs are nice places where you can eat or drink in a relaxed atmosphere.

b) Pubs are good places where you can eat or drink totally casually.

3. a)... a lot of the interest in wine has much in common with the interest in cooking.

b)... a lot of the interest in wine is in parallel with the interest in cooking.

4. a)... in the summertime pubs won’t close until late in the evening.

b)... in the summertime, when pubs will be able to stay open all day long.

5. a) It’s belatedly been realised that you can’t drink and drive.

b) It’s been finally understood that drinking and driving don’t combine.

6. a) But the British public... apart from a few youngsters,... stick to that old-fashioned kind of pub.

b) But the British public... except for a few youngsters, prefer the pubs of the old time.

Go through the list of word combinations and phrases below and find their equivalents in the recording while listening to it again.


a) How can you explain this change? b) to be the centre of different neighbourhoods c) There are mostly men in a pub. d) to start officially (about a new law) e)two opinions about sth f)to keep to sth g)to have a bad effect on the atmosphere of the pub h)to realise the fact

Follow-Up Activity

1. What are the positive and negative points of visiting wine bars or pubs frequently?

2. What is your attitude to beer and hard spirits? What’s your answer to the question: To drink or not to drink?



Text Title: To smoke or not to smoke

Cassette: From English Super Plus 2, by H.Sommers, V.Vermes


Pre-Listening Exercises

Go through the list of words below to clear up any difficulties.

the anti-smoking lobby - группа людей, выражающих взгляды некурящих

soft drinks - безалкогольные напитки

riot [ÈraI«t] - нарушение общественного порядка

forearm [ÈfùrAùm] - рука от кисти до локтя

exhale [eksÈheIl] - выдыхать

ostracise [ȁstr«saIz] -изгонять из общества

yell - вопить

pound [paUnd] - бить, стучать

tackle - справиться, преодолеть

vehement [ÈvI«m«nt] - неистовый, воинствующий

adamant [ÈQd«m«nt] - непреклонный


Make sure you know how to pronounce the following international words.

cremation [krIÈmeIS«n]

hypnosis [hIpÈn«UsIs]

nicotine [ÈnIk«tiùn]

avant-garde [ÇQvAùNÈgAùd]

Guess the meaning of these word-combinations and idioms.

1. To stick up for one’s rights

a) отстаивать свои права

b) придерживаться своих прав

2. To go up in smoke

a) тлеть, тянуться

b) провалиться

3. To be overpowering

a) быть всемогущим

b) брать верх, пересиливать

Listening Exercises

Listen to the recording and state the number of people being interviewed.

Complete the following statements by choosing the right alternative.

1. The people interviewed were

a) smokers b) air-hostesses c) air-hostesses and passengers

2. The interviewers spoke to some air-hostesses

a) in the Heathrow airport in London b) on a plane in California c) in the airport in California

3. Smoking in the US nowadays is

a) no longer a big issue b) a fighting issue c) a debate issue

4. The general trend is that the non-smokers are

a) very loyal b) sometimes adamant c) very vehement, very adamant

5. They are overpowering and they’re winning

a) they = smokers b) they = non-smokers  

Listen to the recording again and put the questions asked in the interviews in the order they appear on the tape.

- Where are the places that you can smoke now?

- Do you think it’s right to ostracise people because they smoke?

- The smokers stuck up for their rights, and there was nearly a riot. Is this a typical scene?

- What is happening in the States?

Listen to the interviews again and focus on the answers given to the questions from ex. 2.3. Write down the necessary information in brief.


Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 500. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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