Студопедия — Language Focus
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Language Focus

Listen to the recording again and pick out the English equivalents for the following sentences:

1. отправляться вечерним рейсом

2. доставить в аэропорт на машине

3. танцевать в дискоклубе всю ночь

4. Везет тебе!

5. ехать всю ночь

6. нельзя знать наверняка, путешествуя...

7. проводить отпуск, путешествуя в трейлере

8. по дороге туда


Follow-Up Activities

Reproduce one of the dialogues as close to the tape as possible. If needed listen to it again.

4.2. Discuss your plans for the future holiday with a partner. Use the vocabulary of the recording you’ve listened to.


Text Title: A visit to Scotland

Cassette: From Advanced Conversation,

by M.Geddes, G.Sturtridge, Sh.Been

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Go through the following a) names and b) nouns. They’ll help you understand the recording.

a) St. Giles Cathedral

Holyrood Palace

the River Forth

Oban [È«Ub«n] - a town in Scotland

Shiel Island

b) seal - тюлень

tartan [ÈtAùt«n] - клетчатая, шерстяная ткань; шотландский плед

Comprehension Exercises

Imagine you and a friend are planning a two-and-a-half-day trip to Edinburgh in Scotland. You will hear a travel agent suggesting what you should do to get the most out of your short trip. Your friend is busy at the moment shopping in the city. As you listen to the travel agent, write down the main points of her talk. Get ready to instruct your friend about the plan suggested by the travel agent.

Tape Dictation



Text Title: Journey to Namur

Cassette: From The Cambridge English Course,

by M.Swan, C.Walter

Pre-Listening Exercises

Go over the list of words and word combinations and clear up any difficulties.

A. Geographical Names

Namur - город в Бельгии

Reading [ÈredIN] - город в Англии

Woodenbasit - город в Англии

Heathrow Airport [ÈhiùTr«U] - аэропорт в Лондоне

B. Nouns

bomb scare - зд. угроза взрыва

heroine [Èher«UIn] - героиня

Match the expressions given in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column.

A) to be on time a) used to say that one is early enough to do what has to be done

B) to be in plenty of time b) to be well ahead of time before the event

C) to be in time c) used when something happens at the time it is supposed


General Comprehension

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

1. Why did the woman have to go to Namur?

2. Was she nervous about being late from the very beginning of her journey?

3. Did she arrive in time for the Namur meeting or was she late?

4. Why does she say it was a really heroine experience?


Intensive Comprehension Exercises

3.1. Listen to the recording again and fill in the boxes. They will make the scheme of the woman’s journey. Note down the reasons of her being delayed.

Home by taxi local                    
  on time station                    

3.2. Say if these statements are True or False. Correct and expand them if necessary.

1. She was supposed to be in Namur on Sunday at 3.30.

2. She took the plane on Friday evening.

3. The taxi from her home to the station was late.

4. When she arrived at the station, her train was waiting on the platform.

5. She caught the coach as she planned to go from Reading to Heathrow Airport.

6. It was 30 minutes before take-off time when she arrived at Heathrow Airport.

7. The plane was on time at Brussels.

8. She was in plenty of time for her train to Namur, so she went to the nearest café to have lunch.

9. She quickly got to Namur and had an hour and a half to have some rest and get ready with her speech at the meeting.


3.3. Here are some notes about the woman’s journey. Listen to the recording once more and put them in the correct order as they come on the tape. Transform them into statements. It will be the outline of the story.

- plane late taking off

- fast train to Reading late

- taxi to station

- representative waiting

- only hand-baggage-ran

- coach Reading – Heathrow delayed

- late Brussels

- decided leave early Saturday

- bomb scare

- supposed to be in Namur

- airport just before take-off time

- long queues passport control

- handbag at security check – ran back

- lunch train

- waited new train

- taxi to station

- Namur meeting


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 747. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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Studopedia.info - Студопедия - 2014-2024 год . (0.015 сек.) русская версия | украинская версия