Студопедия — News Story 3
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News Story 3

1. What state was the man from?

2. What sum was the man fined yesterday?

3. Where was the ambulance parked while the ambulance driver was making a phone call?

4. For how long had the man been waiting for a bus?

5. Where was the ambulance stopped?


Language Focus

Give the English equivalents for the following Russian sentences using the language of the recording.

1. Предлагаем вашему вниманию последние сообщения шестичасового выпуска новостей.

2. Самолет был вынужден вернуться в аэропорт.

3. Пилот быстро развернул самолет.

4. Женщина грозилась убить биржевого маклера.

5. Вчера был оштрафован мужчина на сумму в 1000 долларов за угон машины.

6. Водитель заметил, что происходит, когда мужчина завел машину и стал отъезжать.

7. Машина была остановлена в нескольких кварталах от места происшествия.


Follow-Up Activity

Write a passage about the news story you like best. Get ready to present it in class acting as the speaker of the news broadcast.



Text Title: Making an appointment

Cassette: From The Cambridge English Course,

by M.Swan, C.Walter

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Look trough the list of proper names used in the recording.

Margaret Rowntree Baker and Parsons

Robert Carter Lacy’s

Stuart MarstonStreet

Grange Square

Caxton Street


Study the language note.

Some students are likely to confuse ‘in front of’ and ‘opposite’ (because of misleading equivalents in other languages). The complete use of both expressions is quite complicated; it’s probably enough to explain that we normally use ‘opposite’, not ‘in front of ‘, for the case where two people or things face each other across a gap or barrier.


Listening Exercises

Listen to the recording and identify the number of telephone calls.

2.2. Answer the question:

Will Margaret and Stuart have lunch together at Lacy’s?


2.3. Listen to the recording again and explain why Stuart couldn’t talk to Margaret in each case. Copy the chart and tick off the right reason in each case. The first is done for you.

Telephone     Reasons    
calls the line is bad the wrong number the line is busy the wrong extension They got cut off
1.     ü    

Listen to the recording once more and say if these statements are True or False.

1. Margaret’s extension is 356.

2. Stuart’s telephone number is Woodside 18432.

3. Margaret can get to Grange Square by a 37 bus from her office.

4. She can get a number 7 to the Cathedral from the town hall.

5. Margaret and Stuart are to meet at a quarter to one.

2.5. Listen to the final conversation between Stuart and Margaret. As you listen, look at the map at p. 144. Stuart tells Margaret how to find a restaurant called Lacy’s.

Where is the restaurant – at A, B, C, or D?

Language Focus

Listen to the recording again and note down the words and expressions needed for making telephone calls. There are 14 of them in all.

Fill in the missing prepositions where necessary.

1. Well, you take a g bus... the office, get...... Grange Square, cross the road, turn... left, take the first... your right, and Lacy’s is a few yards... the road... your left,... a church. You can’t miss it.

2. O.K. Then get a number g, get............ the Cathedral, walk... the park, then go... the canal... the right and... the first bridge, and you’ll come...... Marston Street. Lacy’s is...... the other end... the right.

Follow-Up Activities

Role-play the telephone conversations between Stuart and Margaret. Use ex. 2.5 and ex. 3.2 and the map.

Role-play the telephone conversation between two friends meeting somewhere in the city.



Text Title: The knowledge

Cassette: From Streamline English. Destinations,

by B.Hartley, P.Viney

Tape Dictation

Listen to the recording and note it down as fully as you can. Prepare it for being checked in class.



Text Titles: 1. Hiring a car

Phoning a garage

Cassette: From Task Listening, by L.Blundell, J.Stokes

TEXT 1. Hiring a car

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

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