Студопедия — List of phrases to write the body of the paper
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List of phrases to write the body of the paper

Methods and Techniques

1. The experiments were performed at ….

2. The experimental set up included ….

3. Two array configurations were used.

4. The measurements … were conducted using ….

5. The main experimental configuration is presented in Figure 1.

6. The simulation starts with ….

7. The instrumentation and general arrangements were those described

previously ….

8. All the experiments were carried out using a …

9. A standard … was used to ….

10. The velocity distribution in the … is obtained numerically using the finite element method.

11. The experimental … is fitted with an array of …, as shown schematically in Fig. ….

12. The equation governing the direct problem is obtained by ….

13. The direct problem is solved using the… method.

14. The following procedure is used to determine ….

15. Figure 3 summarizes the direct model and inverse approach.

16. At any given time … the inverse algorithm determines ….

17. … was verified by measuring the … at various axial locations.

18. The device was similar in concept to that described by …

19. The probe itself consisted of …

20. … was recorded by the computer for a set sampling rate and time.

21. The outside diameter of the tube is taken to be …

22. … was studied under steady state conditions.


1. The results of … numerical calculations are shown in ….

2. The results obtained indicated that ….

3. A schematic diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1.

4. Charts / tables/ figures show ….

5. From the graph it can be seen that there is good agreement between experiment and theory for ….

6. The data cover a wide range of … dimensions and operating conditions.

7. As shown in Fig…, the discrepancy between the equation and the data is as much as ….

8. The present correlation is in good agreement with most data.

9. Prior to applying the inverse procedure to experimental results….

10. Two observations can be made from these plots.

11. Fig. … shows a scatter plot of ….

12. Table … summarizes the results ….

13. Results of the … are presented in …

14. As expected, the … errors decreased with … more rapidly.

15. The fact that the … errors are larger than the … errors suggests one of two things: …

16. Similar observations can be made about the behavior of the mean errors.

17. In general, there is no significant qualitative difference between the … and … cases.

18. The data are plotted in logarithmic form, for ease of comparison with … paper

19. From Fig. … it is estimated that …

20. On the basis of these results it can be observed that …

* * *

To describe results use tentative verbs and modals:

It appears/seems/ is likely/ that …

These results suggest …

It is possible that …;

Use past tense.


1. How long did it take you to write the body of the paper? What was the most difficult thing about it?

2. Read the list of phrases and choose the most appropriate ones to finish your paper.


List of phrases to write the conclusion/discussion section

1. This research has attempted to ….

2. The original assumption was that ….

3. The findings of … suggest that … is appropriate to ….

4. Analogous results hold for ….

5. One reason could be that ….

6. These results could be explained by assuming that ….

7. It is unlikely that ….

8. These findings suggest/imply/provide evidence that ….

9. Detailed understanding of … is still lacking ….

10. The method becomes even more efficient for the … case.

11. From a computational viewpoint ….

12. In this context these results are the same as those obtained from the … method.

13. The methods described here have more general application ….

14. It was observed that … does not have a significant effect on the performance of the … equations.

15. The principal results and findings are as follows ….

16. Analyses of experimental data obtained during … demonstrate that the inverse procedure is capable of accurately predicting … over significant periods of time.

17. The results from … were compared with results from ….

18. The model will be useful in the analysis of … processes.

19. A significant advantage of this theory is that ….

20. It should be noted that the results recorded here are rather preliminary.

21. Finally, an important conclusion follows from ….

22. It is a logical consequence of the fact that ….

23. It would be interesting to ….

24. Much further research is needed in the area of ….

TASK 1:Read thefollowing recommendationwhich will help you avoid certain mistakes while writing the conclusion of your paper.


· afterthoughts or additional ideas - now is the time to end the paper, not to begin a new thought

· the use of "thus," "in conclusion," or "finally" at the beginning of the last paragraph. Readers can see plainly the end of the paper.

· ending the paper without a sense of closure.

· questions that raise new issues; however, rhetorical questions that restate the issues are acceptable.

TASK 2: Read samples 3-5 and notice how to write the “Discussion of Results”, “Conclusion” and “Acknowledgements’ parts of a research paper.


Sample 3

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