Студопедия — PREFACE
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graduate school (Am E) / (post) graduate studies (Br E) аспирантура; в университетах Запада магистерские программы являются частью (первой ступенью) аспирантуры
confer / award / grant a degree присуждать степень
defend dissertation (Am E) защищать диссертацию
graduate applicant поступающий в аспирантуру
supervisor of studies / thesis ad-viser / dissertation adviser / (research) adviser научный руководитель
Candidate's degree examinations; preliminary examinations (prelims) (Am E)   зд. экзамены кандидатского минимума
grade (Am E) оценка


Laboratory Works




ZNTU, Dike Pole


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University


I.P. Volchok, S.B. Belikov, V.V. Gazha






Laboratory Works


Zaporizhzhya: ZNTU, Dike Pole


УДК 621.7+621.9(075.8)



Authors I.P. Volchok, S.B. Belikov, V.V. Gazha

Reviewers: Professor, D.Sc. (Engineering) Bolshakov V.I.

Professor, D.Sc. (Engineering) Kutsova V.Z.

Professor, D.Sc. (Phisical-Mathematical) Vorobjov G.M.


Approved by the Science Council of Zaporizhzhya National Technical University. Record №8 from 10/04/2007. I.P. Volchok, S.B. Belikov, V.V. Gazha Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials. Laboratory Works: Study Guide for the students majoring in 6.030500 “Translation”/ Under editorship of I.P. Volchok, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Science.



The study guide includes 17 laboratory works, which cover main sections of the “Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials” course of study. Each laboratory work contains brief theory from course of lectures, equipment list and instructions on its carrying out.





УДК 621.7+621.9(075.8)



I.P. Volchok, S.B. Belikov, V.V. Gazha, 2008

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, 2008

Dike Pole, 2008


1. Investigation of structure and mechanical properties of metals and alloys…………………………………………………….  
1.1. Investigation of macro- and microstructure of alloys……...  
1.2. Determination of strength and plasticity of alloys………...  
1.3.Determination of hardness of metals and alloys……………  
1.4.Determination of impact strength of metals………………...  
2. Metallurgy………………………………………………………  
2.1.Manufacture of products by powder metallurgy process…...  
2.2.Calculation of harmful emissions of a blast furnace………..  
2.3.Analysis of energy consumption of different steel production technological processes…………………………………..  
3. Foundry practice…………………………………………….....  
3.1.Sand mould casting…………………………………………  
3.2.Casting in metal moulds…………………………………….  
3.3.Centrifugal casting………………………………………….  
4. Metal forming………………..…………………………………  
4.1.Determination of deforming forces and deformation degree during metal forming………………………………………………...  
4.2.Die forging of metals……………………………………….  
5.Welding of metals……………………………………………….  
5.1Manual electric arc welding…………………………………  
5.2.Gas welding…………………………………………………  
5.3.Electric resistance welding………………………………….  
6.Machining of structural materials……………………………..  
6.1.Lathe operations…………………………………………….  
6.2.Milling operations…………………………………………..  
7.English – Russian – Ukrainian Dictionary.....................................  


The present study quide is intended for students of a specialty 7.030507 “Translation”, and also for students of other specialties studying technical disciplines in English. The laboratory works, submitted in the textbook, cover the basic sections of the discipline “Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials”: material science of steels and cast irons, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, foundry practice, metal forming, welding, machining of workpieces. The English – Russian – Ukrainian Dictionary is presented in the study quide.

The description of laboratory works can be divided into two parts. In the first part the brief theoretical data necessary for preparation for independent performance of a laboratory work are given; in the second one methodical instructions on performance of works and drawing up of written reports are presented.

With the purpose of more complete mastering of the discipline and acquisition of practical skills, elements of primitive research are incorporated in the majority of laboratory works. Thus an academic group is divided into 5…6 subgroups, and each of them receives an individual task. Results of calculations and the tests, obtained by each subgroup, are generalized as a graph or a table being analyzed by the whole group and recorder down in wriiten reports.

Students have to be instructed on the safety precautions at the beginning of each laboratory work. With the aim of time savings the monitoring of students’ knowledge is carried out by means of tickets with special tests or by automated facilities.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 755. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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