Студопедия — Circle the suitable pronoun.
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Circle the suitable pronoun.

Yesterday we had supper with the neighbours of (our,

us, ours).

She left the house without saying (something, anything, nothing) to (somebody, nobody, anybody). (None, no, not) of the people I met there were English. 4 We've got (many, much, plenty) of time. 5. Not (every, all, many) the stories about this film are true.

Y Put the words in the right order to make up a


1 the/her/yet/has/cat/lady/found/old?

2 month/I/the/to/went/last/dentist/times/three/see.

3 lift/tomorrow/I'iya/to/give/the/you/station.

4 me/tooth/giving/again/this/is/trouble.

VI. Choose the right variant

1. My father was in hospital for six weeks.

a) For what?

b) How much?

c) For how long?

3. What is he doing there now?

a) It's none of your business

b) I really don't know.

c) I never know.

2. I'd like to help you.

a) You mustn't.

b) You would, wouldn't you?

c) You needn't, thank you.

4. My room is much larger than yours.

a) Is it?

b) Isn't it?

c) Is it not?

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

I decided to become a car mechanic. It seemed (such, so) exciting, like an (adventure, advantage). So I (made, did) a course in car mechanics. I (enjoyed, joined) learning about a car bit by bit until I (realized, understood) every part of it, and how every part (fitted, suited) in with the rest. I also

enjoyed taking an engine (at part, apart) and then (putting) placing) it together again! And when I succeeded (there, it) (seemed, looked) like a miracle to me!


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. When Mrs. Allen (peel) potatoes she (cut) her finger

2. How long you (drive) a car? - Since I (arrive) here.

3. I'm sorry to say but they (lose) the game.

4. Luckily, when we (get) there the painting (not sell) yet

5. She (use) to play the piano beautifully although she (not/ play) so well now. She (say) she (not practise) as much as when she (study) at a music school.

6. You ever (meet) the man who (live) next door?

II. Use the right article.

1.... plane didn't fly because of... storm.

2. Why are you wearing... tie today, Mike?

3.... tractor can pull... plough faster than... donkey can.

4. Bill doesn't like... record Jack has bought.

5. Jack drinks... water with every meal.

6. Tom is... successful young artist.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. There's a dirty mark (on, at, in) the wall.

2. I have to be (at, on, it) home (on, in, by) 5.

3. We got stuck in a traffic jam (in, at, on) the way to the airport.

4. I picked (up, on, of) this brochure when I was (at, in, over) Sydney last.

5. Tom is ill. He wasn't (in, on, at) work today.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. I've got (no, not, neither) money at all.

2. Some people like the sea, (other, others, no) prefer the mountains.

3 Only (few, a few, the few) people are perfectly bilingual.

4 I invited them both but (none, no one, neither) agreed to come.

5 I opened the door but I couldn't see (nobody, somebody, anybody).

Y. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. Friday/you/me/by/a/can/birthday/make/cake?

2. an/eggs/one/without/can't/omelette/make/breaking.

3. me/a/birthday/wished/happy/no one.

4. only/me/the/is/who/she/understands/person.

VI. Choose the right variant.

1. Please remind me to post the letters.

a) Not at all.

b) Here you are.

c) I will.

3. Have you got a light?

a) Don't worry.

b) Don't bother.

c) Here you are.

2. How often do you have to travel on business?

a) Not many times.

b) Twice a month, normally.

c) For a long time.

4. She is still in hospital.

a) Isn't she?

b) Is she?

c) When?

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

Jane Fonda is an actress (which, who) is (good, well) known for her (roles, rolls) in films. Her first (cinema, film) was «Tall Story» in 1960 and for several years her (image, character) was as a Hollywood «Sex symbol». At the (year, age) of 32 she changed her beliefs and values and started to take (place, part) in (politics, policy). She (told, spoke) a gainst the Vietnam war and became (very, enough) unpopular in Hollywood at that time.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. Don't disturb him. He (work).

2. It (to be) very quiet in the house.

3. Tony (give) another six months to finish his research

4. He (be) interested in physics since childhood.

5. What you (do) since you (leave) Oxford?

6. She (use) to bring me little presents when I (be) a child

7. Write to me when you (get) back. I (look) forward to your letter.

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