Студопедия — VII. Choose the appropriate word.
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VII. Choose the appropriate word.

A. lot of (Japan, Japanese) parents 'arrange' (marriages, weddings) for their children. This is because they (feel, fill)

that marriage (affects, effects) not only the young (pair, couple) but the (whole, all) family. They believe that (there,

it) is important that the young (men, people) have the (same, alike) interests and that they (go, come) from the same social (background, platform). A lot of (arranging, arranged) marriages are (success, successful) and (help, aid) the tradition of the Japanese family to continue.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. Where (be) the manager? -1 just (see) him. He (talk) on the telephone.

2. You ever (face) with such problems?

3. They (go) to get married. The wedding (be) next Saturday.

4. I (write) this letter to you while the children (play) on the beach.

5. That isn't my watch. It (belong) to my cousin.

6. What you (do) at 6 o'clock last night?

7. He was sorry that he (offend) us. He said he (not intend) to be rude.

II. Use the right article.

1. Last year he worked for... big company in... Brussels.... company employs over 4000 people.

2.... capital of... USA is not... biggest city of... country.

3. What do you think of... Harrisons? - I don't like... husband much but... wife is... very nice woman.

4. Where's... magazine I bought yesterday?

5. We had... lovely time in Spain. - So you enjoyed... holiday, didn't you?

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. After we had travelled (for, by, at) miles, there was still no sign (in, of, about) the town which was marked (in, on, at) the map.

2. Don't be late (at, for, on) dinner.

3. It's such a small room that I can hardly move (in, on, at) it.

4. They washed their clothes (by, at, in) hand.

5. The other person who sits (on, at, by) our table is Mrs. Hunt. I haven't found (up, out, off) anything (for, in, about) her.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1.1 don't have (something, anything, nothing) to do this afternoon.

2. Some of (them, they, their) must work to earn money.

3. The Aliens don't have (many, much, plenty) money.

4. Jane goes to the library (some, every, all) week.

5. One boy played the guitar while two (other, others, ano­ther) sang.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. Boston/was/in/Jack/lived/since/born/has/he.

2. rang/I/the/a/phone/was/shower/when/having.

3. do/people/stupid/why/things/do?

4. leaving/they/Rome/tomorrow/are/for.

VI. Choose the best response.

1. Are you free tonight?

a) I'm all right.

b) Why do you ask?

c) Never mind.

3. Sorry to keep you waiting.

a) No at all.

b) You are welcome.

c) That's all right.

2. Did you like the film?

a) I always did.

b) I never did.

c) It was so boring.

4.1 have a bad headache.

a) Take a pill, then.

b) Don't worry.

c) Do your best.

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

Work plays a very important role in (Japan, Japanese). Because work is (so, such) important, a child - (especially, specially) a boy, - must work very (heavy, hard) indeed. He begins to (study, teach) (serious, seriously) as (soon, long) as he starts (going, coming) to school, because if he doesn't (take, pass) all his exams, he won't go to a good university and won't be (able, capable) to get a good (work, job) (too, either).


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

1. If you (not/stay) in bed for a couple of days at least, you never (feel) better.

2. Kate (stand) in front of the mirror when somebodv (knock) at the door.

3. By the time she (be) 50, she (live) in this country for most of her life.

4. He (be) very interested in politics lately.

5. His horse (be) lame so he (have) to finish the journey on foot.

6. You (cut) your finger. Look, it (bleed). Put a plaster on it.

7. When he (finish) packing the furniture the whole room (be) in a mess.

II. Choose the right article.

1. Betty was... typist in... office. Sally was... saleswoman in...store where they were having tea.

2. Everybody says it was... excellent trip.

3. You must contact... manager and tell him about... letter.

4. This plant is... biggest in the corporation.

5. Someone stole...lot of... money from this bank... last year.

6.... air is so close today.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. George finished his studies (in, at, on) midnight.

2. How dare you? Take your hands (of, off, out of) me at once!

3. When I got (for, into, to) the car this morning I found that the radio had been stolen.

4. Please, could you explain this rule (-, for, to) me?

5. Are you good (in, on, at) tennis?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1413. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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