Студопедия — Air-conditioning
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Air-conditioning is the bringing of air in a building to a desired temperature, purity, and humidity throughout the year to maintain healthy and comfortable atmosphere.

Air-conditioning may be divided into two main sections: one is for the processing of materials in industry; the other one is for human comfort. It has been found that there is an optimum condition of temperature and humidity at which the processing of different materials may be carried out with the minimum of wastage and the maximum of goods of specification quality. The system is therefore designed to produce air of predetermined temperature and moisture content and to keep it so despite all external influences.

Conditioning air for human comfort may also be divided into two main sections – winter and summer. Frequently, the systems installed in office buildings provide control during both seasons. Complete air-conditioning provides the following services:

1. filtration of the air both in winter and summer to remove dust;

2. circulation of the air at low velocity and with proper diffusion to prevent draughts and maintain a uniform temperature and humidity at all parts of the inhabited space;

3. introduction of enough fresh air from the outside atmosphere;

4. heating of the air in winter;

5. cooling of the air in summer below the outside atmosphere;

6. humidifying the air in winter to a relative humidity of at least 20-25 per cent;

7. dehumidifying the air in summer to a relative humidity not exceeding 55 per cent.

Air-conditioning for human comfort is employed in both large and small installations, such as heaters, office buildings, department stores, residences, airplanes, railways, cars and submarines.


Text-based assignments:

I. General understanding. Answer the questions:

1. Give the definition of the term air-conditioning.

2. What are the types of air-conditioning?

3. What services does air-conditioning provide?

4. Where is air-conditioning for human comfort employed?


II. Find synonyms in the text to the following words:

Moisture, speed, spreading, convenient, pure, merchandise, given, railroad, residence.


III. Match antonyms in the given words (10 pairs):

Fresh, heating, maximum, outside, sick, external, seldom, dirty, high, prevent, dryness, cooling, frequently, moisture, low, minimum, internal, permit, inside, healthy.



IV. Puzzle out the crossword:

e h y d r o l o g y b
w n a n i c q f g v u
t r g o h g i s s e i
r e s i t e l v k p l
o s o d n u z o i b d
o e u a r e a q o l e
p a r j s h e l t e r
y r c s e w e r a g e
r c e i o e n g i n e
s h s u r v e y i n g
c o n t r a c t o r g

1. the profession of applying scientific principles to the design, construction, and maintenance of engines, cars, machines, etc (11 letters);

2. something that provides cover or protection, as from weather or danger (7 letters);

3. a subdivision of a cavalry squadron or artillery battery of about platoon size (5 letters);

4. a person who builds (7 letters);

5. any flat, curved, or irregular expanse of a surface (4 letters);

6. the piece of land where something was, is, or is intended to be located (4 letters);

7. a person or firm that contracts to supply materials or labor, esp. for building (10 letters);

8. any machine designed to convert energy, esp heat energy, into mechanical work (6 letters);

9. the study of the distribution, conservation, use, etc., of the water of the earth and its atmosphere, particularly at the land surface (9 letters);

10. an arrangement of sewers (8 letters);

11. the study or practice of measuring altitudes, angles, and distances on the land surface so that they can be accurately plotted on a map (9 letters);

12. the point or place from which something originates (6 letters);

13. a dome-shaped Inuit house, usually built of blocks of solid snow (5 letters);

14. systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject (8 letters);

15. of the ordinary life of citizens as distinguished from military, legal, or ecclesiastical affairs (5 letters).



Text 3

Words and word combinations to be remembered:

1.dead load Вес конструкции 5. frequency Частотность
2.live load Временная (рабочая) нагрузка 6.factor of safety Коэффициент прочности
3.resist Сопротивляться 7.ratio Отношение
4.magnitude Размеры, величина    

Read the text carefully so as to be ready to discuss it:

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