Студопедия — Соедините слово в правой колонке в его определением слева
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Соедините слово в правой колонке в его определением слева

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Tobacco and Narcotic substances.


Do you know that you can make de­cisions that will affect your health for years to come? Your decision not to smoke can have an enormous effect on your health. You probably know some people who smoke and wonder whether their health is poorer because of their smoking. Perhaps you wonder whether the reports that smoking is harmful to health are true.

This chapter will give you informa­tion about the ways smoking affects health. It will show you some of the hows and whys of smoking and health.

A subject that has been closely re­lated to smoking in the minds of many people is drinking. Both are supposed to be bad for your health. Do you know whether drinking is really harmful to health? Do you know why many people consider alcoholic beverages a prob­lem? The answers to these questions are of great importance to your health.

The group of drugs called narcotics (när kot'ics) can produce terrible ef­fects on the nervous system. These drugs ruin the lives of those who take them habitually. They are so power­ful that they can make people depend­ent upon them. Perhaps you will never have any contact with narcotics. But, if someone offers you a narcotic, do you know what to do? If not, your life could be made miserable.

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Why 1 _____ (to be) alcohol so attractive to teenagers? Alcohol 2 _____ (to be) a magic drug. It 3 _____ (to take) away problems. Teenage drinkers 4 _____ no longer _____ (to worry) about their pimples or sexuality. It 5 _____ (to seem) almost normal for people 6 _____(to turn) to the bottle in a stress situation: alcohol 7 _____ (to be) available everywhere. The media 8 _____ (to make) you believe that ours 9 _____ (to be) a culture in which drinking is the grown-up thing to do. Westerns and other films so often 10 _____ (show) a hero with a drink that drinking 11 _____(to become) a sign of strength. If you can 12 _____ (to drink) a lot of alcohol and 13 _____ (to show) its effects, you 14 _____ (to prove) that you are "a man." It’s all very confusing to the teenager. He 15 _____ (to know) if he 16 _____ (to drink) at 15, it 17 _____ (to be) illegal and he 18 ___ (to be) in trouble. But if he 19 _____ (to drink) at 18 or 21 (depending, in the USA or another state) it 20 _____ (to be) legal.


Выберите правильный предлог

1. Jet passenger planes, millions of automobiles and an increasing number of people contribute (about, on, to, with, in) the greater amounts of noise.

2. A considerable amount of evidence shows that noise is sometimes harmful (for, to, of, by, on) health.

3. Many people work in a noisy environment and never appear to be affected (for, by, on, in, with) it.

4. Part of this effect may occur because noise affects the operation of the mind (at, on, for, about, in)some minor way.

5. Did you know that jet pilots are very conscious (on, for, in, of, to) the noise their planes make?

6. The problem of noise, however, begins (on, for, under, at, in) sounds of medium loudness.

7. (About, in, through, for, of) this reason, the noise of jet planes is very annoying to most people.

8. Whenever possible, pilots fly special routes (for, on, in, at, under) order to avoid flying low over heavily populated areas.

9. (Before, until, after, at, about) plane manufactures solve the noise problem, people will have to accept the annoyance that is by-product of jet planes.

10. Whenever a plane reaches the speed of sound it sends out a pair of shock waves of an ocean liner as she sails (around, behind, above, across, in) the Atlantic.


Соедините слово в правой колонке в его определением слева

  1. supplement
a) the process of combining oxygen and another element to produce energy
  1. tissue
b)something that is nourishing
3. oxidation c)to add something
4. calorie d)something or someone that is dangerous
5. nutrient e) the material forming animal or plant cells
6. gastrointestinal system f) a punishment for breaking a law
7. respiratory system g) the practice of treating illness by removing or repairing the damaged part of the body
8. penalty h) the body system that includes the organs that digest food
9. menace i) the body system that includes the organs that perform the breathing function
10. surgery j) a quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water one degree of centigrade





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How Does Smoking Affect Health?


Surgeon General’s report. In 1964 Surgeon General Luther Terry re­leased a 380-page report of a commit­tee that had studied the effects of smoking on health. The committee members had analyzed hundreds of re­search studies on the effects of smok­ing. The ten doctors on the committee summarized their findings and recom­mendations in one sentence: "Ciga­rette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate reme­dial action" In simpler language this means that smoking is a danger to people's health, and that something should be clone about it.

The committee made this strong statement because it found that ciga­rette smoking is directly related to cancer of the lung and lip, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, emphysema (em’fə sē'me), and several other seri­ous diseases.

You can understand that not all smokers have lung cancer or any of the other diseases associated with smoking. Smoking does not cause these diseases in all smokers, for the same reason that cold viruses do not cause colds in all people who are exposed to them. Smoking greatly increases a smoker's chances of contracting the diseases mentioned. But it does not make it certain that he will contract them.


Smoke affects the heart. Doctors have known for years that the nicotine (nik'ə tēn) in cigarette smoke has sev­eral effects on the body. Most of these occur if a smoker inhales the smoke of cigarettes. When the blood absorbs nicotine from the smoke in the lungs, several reactions occur. Some blood vessels contract, thus slowing the flow of blood to the regions served by these vessels. The heart is forced to work harder in order to pump blood through the narrower blood vessels. Thus, the blood pressure rises, and a strain is placed on the heart.

You can see that it would be es­pecially injurious for a person with a heart disease to smoke heavily. In fact the report of the Surgeon General of the United States shows that more smokers die of heart disease than do nonsmokers.



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