Студопедия — Familiar Quotations
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Familiar Quotations

Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

William James (1842 – 1910)

There is nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done.

John Galsworthy (1867 – 1933)

Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.

Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)

A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune.

Richard Whately (1787 – 1863)

Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.

Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784)

The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)

A little evil is often necessary for obtaining a great good.

Voltaire (1694 –1778)

Our great glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Oliver Goldsmith (1728 – 1774)

In the world there are only two tragedies: one is not getting what one wants, and the other getting it.

Oscar Wilde.



There was an Old Person of Buda,

Whose conduct grew ruder and ruder,

Till at last with a hammer

They silenced his clamour,

By smashing that Person of Buda.


There was an Old Person of Cadiz,

Who was always polite to the ladies;

But in handling his daughter,

He fell into the water,

Which drowned that Old Person of Cadiz.


There was an Old Person of South,

Who had an immoderate mouth;

But in swallowing a dish,

That was quite full of fish,

He was choked, that Old Man of the South.


There was an Old Person of Nile,

Who sharpened his nails with a file,

Till he cut off his thumbs,

And said calmly, “This comes

Of sharpening one’s nails with a file!”

Nursery Rhymes

* * *

The man in the moon

Came down too soon

And asked his way to Norwich;

He went by the South

And burnt his mouth

With supping cold plum porridge.


* * *

Will you lend me your mare to ride a mile?

No, she is lame leaping over a stile.

Alack! And I must go to the fair,

I’ll give you good money for lending your mare.

Oh, oh! Say you so?

Money will make the mare go.



What If…

Daddy, what if the sun stopped shining,

What would happen then?

If the sun stopped shining,

You’d be so surprised,

You’d stare at the heaven

With wide-open eyes,

And the wind would carry

Your light to the skies,

And the sun would start shining again!

But, Daddy, what if the wind stopped blowing,

What would happen then?

If the wind stopped blowing,

Then the land would be dry,

And your boat wouldn’t sail,

And your kite wouldn’t fly,

The grass would see your trouble,

And she’ll tell the wind,

And the wind would start blowing again!

But, Daddy, what if the grass stopped growing,

What would happen then?

Well, if the grass stopped growing,

You’d probably cry,

And the ground would be worried

By the tears from your eyes,

And, like your love for me,

The grass would grow so high,

The grass would start growing again!

But, Daddy, what if I stopped loving you,

What would happen then?

If you stopped loving me,

Then the grass would stop growing,

Then the sun would stop shining,

And the wind would stop blowing.

So you see, if you want to keep

This old world go on,

You’d better start loving me again!


Enlarge upon the statement:

If children stopped loving their parents, and parents stopped loving their children, the world would stop going on.


Funny Stories

No Use Trying

Uncle James: Well, Bobby, have you gained any prize at school?

Bobby: No, the other fellows have got them all.

Uncle James: But you’ll keep on trying, my boy, won’t you?

Bobby: What’s the use of trying when the other fellows keep on doing the same?


Friendly Advice

Grandfather: Excuse my interfering, Nancy, but something must be done with that son of yours. Such a foolish and ill-mannered young man!

Mother: Don’t be so strict, father. Boys will be boys. But certainly something must be done. I insist on his going abroad to see the world.

Grandfather: In your place I wouldn’t do it. I’d be afraid of the world seeing him.


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