Студопедия — B. Erysipelas in Swine
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B. Erysipelas in Swine

Clinical Findings. Acute form. After an incubation period of 1 to 7 days there is a sudden onset of high fever (up to 108°F or 42° C) which is followed some time later by severe prostration, ' complete anorexia, thirst and occasional vomiting. Initially, affected pigs may be quite active and continue to eat even though the tempe­rature is high. A marked conjunctivitis with profuse ocular discharge may be present. Skin lesions are almost pathognomonic but may not always be apparent. These may take the form of the classical diamond-shaped. After a course of 2 to 4 days the pig recovers or dies with diarrhoea, dyspnoea and cyanosis evident terminally. The mortality rate is capable of reaching 75 per cent but wide variation occurs.

The so-called "skin" form is usually the acute form with more prominent skin localization but less severe signs of septicemia and with a low mortality. The skin lesions disappear in about 10 days without residual effects.

Chronic form. Signs are vague and indistinct except for the joint lesions characteristic of this form of the disease. There may be alopecia, sloughing of the tail and tips of the ears, and a dermatitis in the form of hyperkeratosis of the skin of the back, shoulders and legs.

The joints are obviously enlarged and are usually hot and painful at first but in 2 to 3 weeks are quite firm and without heat. This is especially the case when the arthritis has been, present for some time, allowing healing and ankylosis to develop. Endocarlitis also occurs as a chronic form of the disease with or without arthritis.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text B into Russian.

Exercise 5. Render the contents of the text "Erysipelas in Swine" Part B answering the following questions:

1. Сколько дней длится инкубационный период при острой
форме рожи свиней?

2. Какие симптомы характерны для острой формы заболе­вания?

3. Как обычно заканчивается острая форма рожи свиней?

4. Чем характеризуется «кожная» форма рожи?

5. Какие симптомы наблюдаются при хронической форме

6. Что происходит с суставами при этом заболевании?

Lesson 17

A. Listeriosis

Listeriosis is known to be an infectious disease caused by Listeria monocytogenes and characterized by either meningo-encephalitis, abortion or septicaemia. The disease is of greatest economic importance in sheep and cattle. In man the disease is serious and often fatal. Animals of any age, including the newborn, may be affected in a herd, the infection rate reaching 10 per cent. The mortality rate without treatment in listerial septicaemia and listerial meningo-encephalitis approaches 100 per cent.

List, monocytogenes is the causative organism and can be isolated in pure culture from affected animals. Several strains of the organism have been identified.

Sheep, cattle, buffalo, goats, horses, pigs, cats, rabbits and some wild animals and man are susceptible to infection. One can expect to find the meningo-encephalitic form and the visceral form (chiefly as abortion or neonatal septicaemia) in different outbreaks of the disease, and rarely two forms together in the one outbreak.

Vocabulary List

newborn (а) - новорожденный

approach (v) - приближаться

buffalo (n) - буйвол

neonatal (а) - относящийся к новорожденному


Exercise 1. Read the text "Listeriosis" Part A and answer the following questions to the text in Russian:

1. What are the symptoms of listeriosis?

2. What animals are susceptible to infection?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions on the text A in Russian and then in English:

1. Is listeriosis known to be an infectious disease?

2. What is the cause of listeriosis?

3. Has the disease an economic importance in sheep and

4. What is the mortality rate without treatment?

5. Is it possible to isolate the causative organism of the

6. Is it possible to find two forms of listeriosis in one outbreak?

Exercise 3. Translate the text Part A into Russian.

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