Студопедия — Scene six
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Scene six


(The jury brings in a verdict of not guilty. Leonard Vole is released. Everyone leaves the courtroom. Sir Wilfred is still sitting in his place. He is not satisfied. The case seems too neat, too tidy and altogether too symmetrical. He feels there is something wrong about it. Christine Vole enters the courtroom. She has been attacked by the public, and some policemen have rescued her. Sir Wilfred and Christine Vole are alone in the courtroom.)

Christine: I never thought you British could get so emotional, especially in a public place.

Sir Wilfred: I apologise for my compatriots.

Christine: You loathe me, don't you? Like the people outside. What a wicked woman I am! And how brilliantly you exposed me and saved Leonard's life! The great Sir Wilfred Robart did it again. Well, let me tell you something. You didn't do it alone. You had help.

Sir Wilfred: What are you driving at?,

Christine: I am not driving at anything any more. Leonard is free, and we did it.

Sir Wilfred: We?

Christine: Remember? When I came to see you and you said that no jury would believe an alibi given by a loving wife nomatter how much she swore her husband was innocent... that gave me the idea.

Sir Wilfred: What idea?

Christine: The idea that I should be a witness not for my husband, but for the prosecution. That I should swear Leonard was guilty and that you would expose me as a vicious liar,5 because only then would they believe Leonard was innocent.

Sir Wilfred: And all those blue letters?

Christine: It was I who sold them to you. It took me hours to write them, to invent "Max". There never was a Max. There's never been anyone but Leonard, only Leonard.

Sir Wilfred: My dear, could you not have trusted me? Worked with me truthfully, honourably? We would have won!

Christine: I could not run that risk. You see you thought he was innocent.

Sir Wilfred: And you knew he was innocent, I understand.

Christine: No, Sir Wilfred, you do not understand at all. I knew he was guilty.

Sir Wilfred: That can't be true! No!!!

Christine: Listen to me once and for all! Leonard came home a few minutes past ten. He did have blood on his sleeves. He did tell me he had killed the woman. Only I could save him, and he pleaded with me...

Sir Wilfred: And you saved him. A murderer?

Christine: Again you don't understand. I love him.

(Smiling triumphantly, Leonard comes in.)

Vole (to Sir Wilfred): I told you she was an actress. And a good one.

Christine: Leonard!

Vole: I knew she was going to do something for me, but I just didn't know what or how.

Christine (going up to Vole and embracing him, while he seems cool and reluctant): Leonard! Leonard!

Vole (to Sir Wilfred): Fooled you completely, didn't she?

Sir Wilfred: It was you, Vole, who fooled me!

(Suddenly a girl runs up to Vole and they embrace.)

Diana: Len! Oh, Len... Len! Oh, Len, they've been trying to keep me away from you! I've been nearly crazy!!

Christine: Leonard, who is this girl?

Diana: I am not this girl, I am his girl! Tell her, Len! You're not his wife, never have been. You're years older than he is. We've been going together for months and we're going away. Tell her yourself, Len.

Christine (rigidly): Yes, Len. Tell me yourself.

Vole (ignoring her): All right, Diana, come along.

Christine: You can't, Leonard! Not after what I've done! I won't let you!

Vole: Don't be silly. I saved your life getting you out of Germany, you saved mine getting me out of this mess. So we're even. It's all over now.

Christine: (holding on to Vole): Don't, Leonard! Leonard! Don't leave me! Don't! Don't, Leonard! Don't!

Vole (shaking her off): Pull yourself together. They'll only try you for perjury! Well, don't make it worse, or they'll try you as an accessory! (Pushes her into a chair.)

Christine: I don't care! Let them! Let them try me for perjury or as an accessory or... (On the table she sees the knife that was exhibited as evidence in the case)...or better yet... Let them try me for this! (Snatches the knife, runs up to Vole and thrusts it into his chest. Vole falls down. Diana goes into hysterics.)

Carter: What's happened?

A Voice: She's killed him.

Sir Wilfred: Killed him? She's executed him. (Mrs Vole is led away by two policemen.)

Sir Wilfred (to Carter): Get Brogan-Moore to my chambers, and I'll meet you there too. We are appearing for the Defence in the trial of Christine Vole!

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 440. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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