Студопедия — First Name Only
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First Name Only

Use the first name in informal and friendly situations. Use first name with your friends, co-workers, acquaintances and fellow students.


Hi, Tom. Do you want to go to a film tonight? - Man to his friend
Excuse me, Mary. What did you think of that presentation yesterday? - Woman to a co-worker in the office
Do you know the answer to number seven, Jack? - Student to another student


If you are speaking with co-workers in the office about work, use a first name. However, if you are speaking to a supervisor or someone you manage, you may have to use a title and last name in more formal situations. The use of first name or title depends on the atmosphere in the office. Traditional businesses (banks, insurance companies, etc.) tend to be more formal. Young companies, such as internet companies, are often very informal.


Ms. Smith, could you come to the meeting this afternoon? - Supervisor speaking to a subordinate at work
Here is the report you asked for Mr. James. - Man to his supervisor



Title and Last Name

Use the title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) and last name in formal situations such as meetings, public speaking, or when speaking to superiors at work or school. Remember that some work places prefer an informal tone between management and staff. It's best to begin using a title and last name (Hello, Ms Anders!) and change if your supervisors ask you to use a first name basis.


Good morning Ms Johnson. Did you have a good weekend? - Student to her teacher
Mr Johnson, I'd like to introduce you to Jack West from Chicago. - Employee introducing a colleague to his supervisor


Talking ABOUT People

Speaking about other people also depends on the situation. Generally, in informal situations use first names. In more formal situations, use the title and last names. In addition to these choices, there are a few other possibilities.


First Name Only

Used in informal situations with friends and co-workers.

Have you heard that Mary is moving to Los Angeles? - Boy speaking to his friend
Peter's getting a promotion next month. - Woman speaking to a co-worker


Last Name Only

When speaking about public figures such as actors and politicians, it is also quite common to use just the last name.

Bush is finally leaving soon! - One man to another
Nadal is a monster on the court. - A tennis player speaking to his doubles partner


Sometimes, supervisors might use just the last name when speaking to a co-worker.

Generally, this means the supervisor is not too happy.


Jones hasn't completed the report on time. - Boss complaining to another manager
Ask Anderson to come into the office as soon as he gets in. - Supervisor speaking to a co-worker


First and Last Name

Use both the first and last name in informal and formal situations in order to be more specific in identifying a person.


Frank Olaf was promoted to department head last week. - One co-worker to another
Isn't that Susan Hart over there? - One friend to another


Title and Last Name

Use the title and last name in more formal situations. Use this form when showing respect and / or being polite.

I think Ms Wright assigned some homework. - One student to a teacher
I think Mr Adams is the best candidate. - One voter speaking to another voter at a rally


Task: make up a short conversation using first name, title or other forms appropriately:

- a man with his friend

- a woman with her co-worker in the office

- a girl with her friend on the phone

- a boy with his friend’s mother

- a clerk in the bank with his boss

- a boss with his subordinate

- a student to her/his teacher

- an employee introducing a colleague to his supervisor

- a boy speaking to his friend about another friend

- a woman speaking to her co-worker about their colleague

- two students speaking about their professor (their friend)

- two friends gossiping about celebrities

- a boss complaining to another manager about his subordinate

- shareholders at the annual meeting discussing the management of the company

- a TV newsreader about a politician


VI. Expressing opinion

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