Студопедия — E) were, would do
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E) were, would do


23. If Tom … on a coat, he will catch a cold.

A) won’t put

B) puts

C) doesn’t put

D) will put

E) put


24. Choose the right variant. We … do our lessons everyday.

A) must

B) could

C) had to

D) will have to

E) might


25. Choose the correct variant: Many cameras … in Japan every year and they are very expensive.

A) Made

B) Are made

C) Are being made

D) Having been made

E) Have been made


26. England is …

A) a geographic name

B) an island

C) a nation

D) part of a country

E) a country


27. Choose the right variant:

Great Britain is separated from the continent by.

A) the Atlantic Ocean

B) the English Channel

C) the Mediterranean Sea

D) the Severn

E) the Irish Sea


28. Complete the sentence using modal verb:

George has travelled a lot. He … speak four languages.

A) can

B) cans

C) could

D) need

E) might


29. Choose the right variant:

We … finished all the house work by six o’clock this afternoon.

A) Has had

B) Had

C) Have

D) Will have

E) Has


30. Choose the right equivalent of: 50 Kg.

A) five hundred kg

B) fifty kg

C) fifteen kg

D) five kg

E) fifty hundred kg


Аттестация №4

Вариант - 4

1. Choose the correct answer: If the chairman... ill, the meeting wouldn't have been cancelled.

A) wouldn't have been

B) won't be

C) hadn't been

D) wasn't

E) wouldn't be


2. Choose the correct answer: Susan usually works from Monday to Friday, But last week she…. work on Saturday as well.

A) Has to

B) Must

C) Should have

D) Had to

E) Have to


3. Are... pencils long or short?

A) that

B) these

C) this

D) any

E) some


4. Choose the correct answer: - She’s very nice.

A) What is she likes?

B) How is she likes?

C) What is she like?

D) What does she like?

E) How is she?


5. Choose the correct variant: I’m writing a letter, she said.

A) she said she were writing a letter

B) she said she was writing a letter

C) she said she writes a letter

D) she said she writing a letter

E) she said she writes a letters


6. Choose the correct answer: I looked out and saw that ….

A) It is raining

B) It rained

C) It was raining

D) It rains

E) It will rain


7. Choose the right form of the verb:

They _______ yet.

A) haven’t arrived

B) didn’t arrive

C) isn’t arrive

D) hasn’t arrived

E) won’t arrive


8. Choose the right variant: The year 1917

A) one thousand nine hundreds and seventeen

B) one thousand nine hundred and seventeen

C) one thousand nine hundred seventeen

D) nineteen seventeen

E) one thousand and seventeen


9. I took my English exam the day … yesterday.

A) From

B) In

C) At

D) After

E) Before


10. Choose the right variant:

We … finished all the house work by six o’clock this afternoon.

A) Have

B) Had

C) Has

D) Has had

E) Will have


11. Choose the right answer. My watch is … minutes fast.

A) five

B) fifth

C) the five

D) the fifty

E) fives


12. If Tom … on a coat, he will catch a cold.

A) doesn’t put

B) put

C) will put

D) won’t put

E) puts


13. Choose the right variant: He… read at the age of four.

A) need

B) could

C) is to

D) has to

E) may


14. Find the right variant: Sergei Bezrukov (to recognize) as a talanted actor.

A) recognize

B) was recognize

C) is recognize

D) is recognized

E) were recognized


15. Great Britain is washed by … Atlantic Ocean.

A) an

B) the

C) a

D) and

E) –


16. Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth`s II ….

A) father

B) uncle

C) husband

D) son

E) brother


17. Find the right variant: To my mind, the government ________ take care of old people.

A) are to

B) ought to

C) needn’t to


D) have

E) may to


18. Find the right synonym: “Travel”

A) Study

B) Pupil

C) Tree

D) Excursion

E) Snow


19. Give the degrees of comparison: bad

A) bad \ the baddest

B) badder \the baddest

C) worse \ the worst

D) worse \the baddest

E) worse \ the worsest


20. Choose the right variant: English ____ in Australia.

A) is spoken

B) am spoken

C) are spoken

D) was spoken

E) were spoken


21. Complete the sentence:

... University is named after E.A. Buketov.

A) our

B) she

C) we

D) hers

E) theirs


22. Define the right Tense form: I am cutting the grass.

A) Present Continuous

B) Present Indefinite

C) Past Simple

D) Past Continuous

E) Future Simple


23. Write in words: 31493

A) thirty one thousand four hundred and ninety three

B) thirty one thousands four hundred and ninety three

C) thirty one thousand four hundreds and ninety three

D) thirty one thousand four hundred ninety three

E) thirty one thousand fourth hundred and ninety three


24. Choose the right variant:

By the time we came back, the house… by an American.

A) was bought

B) bought

C) will been bought

D) is bought

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