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And as they talked, sweet sleep overcame Earth's Mother. Her father laid her on the bed.

At break of day Himagiri's queen[257] came to the shrine where Umā lay. Her being all intense with overflowing love, she waves the lights of happiness,[258] and calls her daughter back to consciousness.

The queen calls to her, calls, and calls again: 'Awake, little mother, awake. The sun is up, the night has passed. The sheldrake's mate[259] with her exulting song drives away her grief.

'Arise, arise, Gaurī, dear as life; Giri is standing near. No longer should you slumber.'

Poet,[260] rhapsodist and panegyrist with folded hands entreat you: 'Have done with sleep, have done with it, have done with it.

'You who are merciful, arise, and let me see your mercy.

'Go to Mandākinī's[261] waters; go, take you leaves of bel, and offer your worship unto Śiva.

'Listen, little mother, listen to your Mother's words.'


The smiles broke slowly over Gaurī's lovely face; she knew her Mother's voice.

The kōkilas [262] are singing, cold breezes are blowing. The moon has no radiance now. The water-lily sees her lord[263] robbed of his glory, and stands with saddened face, a shivering image.

The hapless Kavirañjana[264] says: O Durgā, who art merciful toward the wretched, save me, O save me, I pray. Look in mercy upon me, and deliver me from the waters of the dread ocean of life. Take me across to its further shore.[265]

This and LXXXIX are from the Kālīkīrtan; not an Āgāmanī; song, strictly, but included here as giving a glimpse of Umā's early years in her mountain-home. The Western reader will be struck by the resemblance in spirit to the Homeric hymns; and in the first part in Rāmprasād's closing comment Persephone becomes Demeter. The translators cannot forbear to draw attention to the extreme beauty of the opening of the second part.


[257] Menakā.

[258] Āratī;, a lamp of metal with several jets of light, which is waved before the image of a god morning and evening. Until recent times, this was commonly done to honoured persons in Hindu families. See Dubois, 148.

[259] When Rāma was lamenting the loss of Sītā, a pair of sheldrakes were joyously courting. He cursed them with eternal separation at night, but they are allowed to reunite each dawn.

[260] Court-poets awakened kings in Ancient India. This is an episode, while the poet in imagination adds his entreaties to those of Umā's mother.

[261] The river of Indra's paradise; the Ganges ere it descends to earth.

[262] The hawk-cuckoo, noisiest and (in the judgment of North Indian poets) sweetest-voiced of birds; clamorous in winter dawns.

[263] The sun is the lover of the lotus, the moon of the humbler water-lily.

[264] He who pleases Poets; Rāmprasād's title from the Kṛishṇagar court.

[265] The conclusion, as so often, is a pious irrelevance.


My Umā is no common maid. Thy daughter, Giri, is not that, is not that. I am afraid to tell what I have seen in a dream. Oh, our Umā sat upon the heads of the Four-Faced[266] and Five-Faced[267] Ones. Queen of kings, [91]she speaks with laughing lips.[268] He, the dark-robed One, who rides on Garuḍa,[269] stands humbly in her presence, with palms together in supplication.

Prasād says: This is she whom sages cannot win by meditation. Blessed art thou, O Giri! What merit hast thou achieved to possess such a daughter!

Again, not an Āgāmanī; song, but another glimpse of Umā's early years.


[266] Brahmā.

[267] Śiva.

[268] As a child in Menakā's home.

[269] Vishṇu rides on Garuḍa, the great kite.



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