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One day a long time ago, a poor woodcutter was working hard chopping wood deep in a forest. Suddenly the woodcutter looked up to see a picsey sitting on a leaf.

“I’ve come to give you three wishes. Every thing you wish for will come true. But remember: you only have three wishes, so use them wisely”.

Then the picsey disappeared. The woodcutter ran back home to where his wife was making dinner. She laughed when he told her what had happened.

“You must have dreamt it”.

However, just in case it was true they decided to think carefully before they made any wishes.

“I am hungry”, said the woodcutter. “Let’s eat first then afterwards we’ll think about the three wishes”.

“I am afraid it’s only cabbage soup. We haven’t enough money left for any meat”.

“Not soup again”, said the woodcutter. “How I wish we had a nice fat sausage to eat”.

Suddenly a large fat sausage appeared on the table.

“Now look what you’ve done! That’s one wish already gone and you’ve used it on a sausage”.

She continued shouting at the woodcutter until he could stand it no longer.

“I wish that sausage was at the end of your nose”, he said.

And immediately the sausage jumped off the table and attached itself to the end of his wife’s nose. The woodcutter laughed at the sight of his wife with the big sausage dangling in front of her face and this made her all the more angry. However the woodcutter soon realised there was only one wish left and he stopped laughing.

“Let’s wish”, he said, “for all the money and riches in the world”.

“But what could that do when I have the big sausage hanging from the end of my nose? I’d be too embarrassed to go anywhere and spend any of the money”.

After much thought the woodcutter and his wife finally agreed that they would have to use the last wish to remove the sausage. The woodcutter made the wish. The sausage disappeared and then the woodcutter and his wife sat down for their supper. They both agreed how foolish they had been to use the picses wishes so unwisely. And as they ate their cabbage soup they wished, too late by now, that they had eaten the sausage in the first place.

Task 9. Fill in the questionnaire and evaluate your work during the second term.

Questions Answers
1. What aspects does the process of learning a foreign language include? Which aspect to your mind is the most important? Give your reasons.  
2. What is your attitude towards correct English pronunciation? Do you still think standard pronunciation is very important?  
3. What have you found easy /difficult in mastering English pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary?  
4. How did you work to improve you pronunciation?  
5. Was the work at linguistic terminology of great use to you?  
6. What can you recommend your group-mates in mastering English pronunciation?  
7. How do you evaluate the progress in your pronunciation (sound, intonation, reading practice), spelling, listening comprehension, and written practice?  
8. Enumerate the difficulties you experienced while fulfilling the tasks of self-guide individual work?  
9. Give your suggestions on the arrangement and content of the students’ individual work.  
10. Enumerate the tasks which annoyed / appealed to you?  
11. Write down an essay on the topic How I studied English at my first year at the university  



Unit 7

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 909. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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