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The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, the former Minsk Radioengineering Institute, was founded in 1964. In 1964 2,5 thousand students began studies at two faculties, those of radioengineering and automatics and computer science separated from the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute.

Today this University trains engineers in 24 specialities and 26 specializations in the field of computer science, microelectronics, radioengineering, communication, computeraided systems of information processing, electronic instrument-making, broadcasting, medical electronics, economics.

The overall number of students is more than 10 thousand. The teaching staff consists of academicians, Corresponding members of the Belarusian Academy of sciences, two full members of New York Academy of Science, professors, assistant professors and experienced teachers.

The students study at 9 faculties; the Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics; the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control; the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks; the Faculty of Telecommunication; the Economic Faculty, the Faculty of Computer-aided Design; the Military Faculty and The Correspondence Faculty; the Faculty of Professional orientation. The University has all the necessary facilities for teaching. A number of computer classes are equipped with modern computers owing to the support of world-known companies, such as PHILIPS, INTEL, IBM and their Belarusian partners.

A large library with reading halls is at the disposal of the students.

Different subjects are taught at the University depending on the faculty and the course. The first-year students study physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, social sciences. Later they acquire profound knowledge in electronics, cybernetics, computing machinery, etc. Special attention is given to such subjects as impulse technique, analog and digital computers, theoretical fundamentals of electroengineering.

Four foreign languages are taught at the University. Professionally-oriented teaching of English, German, French and Spanish is carried on by two departments with the use of advanced teaching methods and introducing intensive technique.

The University presents its latest developments at Belarusian national expositions as well as at world-famous fairs and exhibitions in Germany, China, India, Iran, Egypt, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, Syria.

Over 1300 professors and students of the University went abroad on exchange programs, and over 270 of them went on scientific probation.

The course study at University lasts five years. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students financially covered by the government are granted studentships. Students from other cities lodge in the halls of residence of total capacity of 2100 people.

The University teams regularly win the leading positions of student sports in athletics and keep-fit activities. Belarusian best athletes had their trainings in the gymnasiums of the University, among them the Olympic Champion, basketball player I. Edeshko and vice-chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, three times Olympic Champion, seven times World Champion A. Medved The major form of physical practice are obligatory classes in physical training, held at all faculties 4 hours a week. The students are free to choose between athletics, soccer, basket-ball, volley-ball, hand-ball, swimming, freestyle wrestling, body-building, shaping, etc. There are all necessary facilities available like swimming pool, fitness – center, open playgrounds, ski depot, summer camp at the Braslav Lakes.

The Student Club of the University organizes parties, discos, festivals of amateur art. The University takes special pride in its brass band, vocal group “Tutashiee”, the ballet dance group, the group of acrobatic rock-n-roll, the bard song club, etc.


7. Answer the following questions:


1) When was the Minsk Radioengineering Institute founded?

2) How many students study at the University?

3) What faculties are there at the University?

4) What subjects are taught at the University?

5) How long does the course of study last?

6) When are terminal exams held?

7) Where do the students from different cities lodge?

8) What does the students Club organize?

9) Does the University have the right to be proud of the graduates? Why?

10) In what way is the University’s cooperation with foreign colleagues realized?

11) Where does the University present its latest developments?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 580. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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