Студопедия — Ingredients. 2 pinches of chilli powder
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Ingredients. 2 pinches of chilli powder

4 tbsp oil

% tsp mustard seeds

2 pinches of chilli powder

% tsp turmeric powder

350g/12oz potatoes, boiled and quartered

salt to taste


1. Heat the oil in a pan on a medium heat setting.

2. To check that the oil is hot enough, sprinkle in a few mustard seeds, if they pop the oil is ready. Then add the remainder of the mustard seeds.

3. Add the chilli and turmeric powders to the sizzling seeds, and salt to taste.

4. Fry this pungent mixture of oil and spices for 1 minute then add the potatoes. Fry for about 4 minutes until the potatoes are smothered in seeds and appear to have crispy edges. They will look quite yellow in colour.
Cover the pan and on a low heat, cook the potatoes for a further 5 minutes.

5. Serve immediately.


5. Lemon Chicken

Preparation time less than 30 mins Serves 4

Cooking time 10 to 30 mins


4SOg/l Ib chicken breasts, no skin or bone • cut into strips

1 egg white

2 tsp cornflour
good pinch salt
sesame oil

250ml/8fl oz groundnut oil

3 lemons, juice and zest
83ml/2fl oz chicken stock
1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp light soy sauce

splash of dry sherry

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 red chilli, finely chopped

1 tsp cornflour or arrowroot - mixed with water

small bunch spring onions, shredded



1. Combine the egg white, cornflour, salt, a little sesame oil and chicken in a bowl - stir to make sure the chicken is well coaled, Leave for about 20 minutes.

2. Heat a wok until very hot, add some groundnut oil and heat until smoking, Remove from the heat and add the chicken stir quickly to stop it from sticking and cook until the chicken turns white. Drain the chicken over a heatproof bowl, set the chicken to one side, allow the oil to cool and discard. Wipe the wok clean and make die sauce. Add the stock, lemon juice, sugar, soy and dry sherry together with the garlic and chilli. Bring to the boil and whisk in the cornflour or arrowroot mixture, Simmer gently for a few moments and then add the chicken. Stir fry to make sure the chicken is well coated and heated through properly. Add a little sesame oil as final seasoning and serve scattered with spring onions.


6. Tuna mayonnaise

Preparation time less than 30 min


2 egg yolks

1 tsp dijon mustard

120ml/4fl oz vegetable oil

1/2 lemon, juiced

1 tbsp white wine vinegar


freshly ground black pepper

1/2tin of tuna, drained and flaked

1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped


1. Begin by preparing the mayonnaise.

2. Place the two egg yolks and mustard in a bowl and beat.

3. Gradually beat in the vegetable oil.

4. Carefully beat in the lemon juice, vinegar and seasoning.

5. Gently fold In the tuna,

6. Spoon the tuna mayonnaise into a dish.

7. Top with the chives and serve.

8. If desired, blanch and griddle the red onions and use to dip in the tuna mayonnaise.

7. Christmas Pudding Recipe

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