Студопедия — Exercises on grammar. 1. Circle the correct form in parentheses.
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Exercises on grammar. 1. Circle the correct form in parentheses.

1. Circle the correct form in parentheses.

1. Rita plays the violin (good/well). 2. That is an (intense/intensely) novel. 3. The sun is shining (bright/brightly). 4. The girls speak (fluent/fluently) French. 5. The boys speak Spanish (fluent/fluently). 6. The table has a (smooth/smoothy) surface. 7. We must figure our income tax returns (accurate/accurately). 8.We don't like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea. 9. The plane will arrive (soon/soonly). 10. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/fastly).

2. Insert for or since.

1. It's a long time... I had a good meal. Or I haven't had a good meal... ages. 2. I've been waiting for Tom... 6.00; I wonder if he's lost his way. 3. Ever... his accident he's been afraid of flying. 4. I haven't seen Tom... we left school. 5. The astronauts have already been in orbit... two days. 6.... last year the noise has become very much worse. 7. I've had this toothache... the last week. 8. Her husband died last year, and... then she has been sup­porting the family. Or she's been supporting the family... the last year. 9. It's three years... I did any skiing. Or I haven't done any skiing... three years. 10. The windows haven't been cleaned... weeks.11. He has been missing... 48 hours. 12.... last year we haven't been allowed to park here.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

(the present progressive or future simple).

1. Tom: Where you (go) for your next holiday? (Where have you arranged to go?) Ann: I don't know yet but we probably (go) to Spain. 2. We (have) a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us.) It's his last night; he (leave) tomorrow. 3. Ann: Do you think we (see) Bill tomorrow? Mary: I hope so. He probably (look) in on his way to the airport. 4. I (see) my bank manager tomorrow. (/ have arranged this.) I'm going to ask him for a loan but I expect he (refuse). 5. I (know) the result tomorrow. As soon as I hear, I (tell) you. 6. Jack's mother: Jack (be) ready in a moment. He is just finishing breakfast. Jack's father: If I wait for him any longer I (miss) my train. I think I (walk) on; he probably (catch) me up. 7. I probably (come) to London sometime next month. I (give) you a ring nearer the time and tell you when I (come). (when I have decided/arranged to come) 8. Hotel Porter: You (get) a parking ticket if you leave your car there, sir. If you (stay) the night (have arranged to stay) you (have to) put it in the hotel garage. Tourist: All right. I (move) it as soon as I've arranged about a room. 9. Ann: I've scorched Bill's shirt. Whatever he (say)? Mary: Oh, he (not mind). He just (buy) another shirt. He has plenty of money. 10. Peter: We'd better leave a message for Jack. Otherwise he (not know) where we've gone. George: All right. I (leave) a note on his table. 11. Jack: I don't want to get married. I never (get) married. Mother: You think that now. But one day you (meet) a girl and you (fall) in love. 12. Tom: I (go) to York tomorrow. (Have arranged to go.) Ann: You (come) back the same day? (Have you arranged to come back?) Tom: No, I probably (have) to spend the night there. 13. Peter: You (walk) home? (Have you decided to walk?) Andrew: Yes. It's too late for a bus. Peter. But it's pouring. You (get) soaked! Here, take this umbrella. Andrew: Thanks very much. I (bring) it back tomorrow.

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