Студопедия — EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 9. Study the following phrases; a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and b) use them in sentences of your own.
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EXERCISES ON PREPOSITIONS AND ADVERBS. Ex. 9. Study the following phrases; a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and b) use them in sentences of your own.


Ex. 9. Study the following phrases; a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and b) use them in sentences of your own.


on shipboard; in the beginning/end; on deck; run into; back away; on/in the list; thank smb for smth; give up; talk smb into doing smth; ask smb around (for a talk, a cup of tea, a week-end, etc.); on the (noon, 8.15) train; go for a walk; with one's own hands; all over smb/smth; in years; keep from doing smth; take pictures of; in white; at the bottom/top corner; sail for; come over (to a place); within a month; sell at (a price of); get a laugh out of smth.


Ex. 10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs:


A. 1. "Is it possible to get... touch... him before I leave?" "Cer­tainly. I can get him... the telephone... you... no time." 2. We did our best to talk him... taking... this job. It's the only one he's really lit.... 3. Will you help me... the introductions? I always forget who should be introduced... whom. 4. Everybody was looking... him... silence, and it suddenly struck him that he was expected to apologize... something he hadn't done. 5. She was upset and disturbed when she found... that the children wouldn't be coming back... the trip... an­other couple... days... least. 6. He was prepared to get rid... the old things... any price. 7. I like solving cross-word puzzles. I don't do it... prizes. I enjoy puzzling... them, just for the fun of it. 8. It's too early yet to say anything definite... connection... the recent events. Time will show. 9. True, there were a few interesting pictures... the exhibition, but I wasn't impressed... anything... particular. 10. You would have found your name... the list if you had looked carefully. 11. You should have seen the car when it pulled...... the gate. It had mud all... it. 12. Do read the article... the bottom... the page. It may be... some interest... you. 13. Before going... details first tell me what it is all.... 14. She read the form once more and put her signature... it. 15. Why were you quiet... the news?

B. Early... the same day that the story appeared... the newspaper, an excited little man arrived... a chauffeur-driven limousine. He jumped...... the car, rushed...... me, seized me... the shoulders and began shouting: "Where is it? Where is the fence?"

I wanted to know who he was, but he kept shouting: "Has anybody else been here? Show me the fence!"... the end he said he was Mr. Vegano... the Milliard Galleries, and wanted to see the fence M. Lautisse had painted.

He stood... front... the fence crying: "Splendid! Fine!" and things like that. Then he suddenly calmed... and said: ''Mr. Gregg, I will give you five hundred dollars... the fence."

... this moment another car pulled...... our gates and... jumped two men who came rushing... us, shouting, "Stop! Stop!" They also wanted my garden fence because it had been painted... the great Lautisse. They were... the Widdicome Galleries.

"You people," I said, "are either drunk or mad." All three... them looked... me as if I were the one who was drunk or mad. Didn't I realize that Lautisse had not held a paint brush... his hand... twelve long years?

They started shouting again trying to talk me... selling the fence.

"A thousand dollars... the fence!" said one... the Widdicome men.

"Twelve hundred!" cried little Mr. Vegano.

"Fifteen hundred!" shouted the other Widdicome man.

"Stop it!" I held... my hands and called for order.... this time my business instincts were waking....

"Gentlemen," I said, "the fence is not... sale. Not... this moment. I need a little time to—"

"Three thousand!"

"Four thousand!"

Four thousand dollars... another trip... Europe — yet I really did want time to think things.... I told them I'd get... touch... them as soon as I made... my mind.


Ex. 11. Give the English for the following phrases, using the preposi­tion "on" in its different meanings. Use the phrases in sentences of your own.


I. а) на земле; на вершине холма; на тротуаре; на другой стороне улицы; на платформе; висеть на стене; лежать на столе; сидеть на стуле; на втором этаже;

б) на берегу; город на Волге; Ростов-на-Дону;

в) на борту парохода; на палубе; в поезде; на велосипеде; на коньках; на лыжах; пешком; верхом.

II. по пути в город; поехать на экскурсию (в экспедицию, коман­дировку); быть в отпуске (на дежурстве).

III. идти (о пьесе, фильме); передаваться по радио; показывать по телевидению; говорить по телефону.

IV. а) жить на 80 рублей (на пенсию, на заработную плату);

б) тратить деньги (энергию, слова) на что-л/кого-л; попусту тратить время на что-л.

V. книга (статья, роман) на какую-л тему; фильм (пьеса) на на какой-л сюжет; беседа (лекция) о международном положении.

VI. по приказу командира; по совету врача; согласно инструк­циям.

VII. выставляться (о картине); быть в продаже.

VIII. а) в понедельник; 9 мая;

б) в прекрасный летний день; дождливым вечером; в день рождения; на второй день; в такое утро.


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