Студопедия — Landscape Architecture
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Landscape Architecture

1 Introduction

1.1 Read the text title and hypothesize what the text is about. Write down your hypothesis.



1.2 What do you know concerning this issue? List your ideas in the table left column “I know”.

I know that… I have learnt that…


1.3 If you know answers to these questions write them down in the space given after each question.


  What does the work of a landscape architect involve?
  What other professionals do landscape architects work in cooperation with?
  When did landscape architecture as a profession appear?
  Who was the first person to call himself a landscape architect?
  Where was the first Society of Landscape Architects formed?
  What facilities are used in landscape architecture?
  What masterpieces of garden architecture do you know?


1.4 Circle in the list the words and expressions you know. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your lexical competence.


  a playground     a box trees  
  soil composition     a flower bed  
  attractive views     the golden age  
  historic landmarks     to push back  
  public officials     east wing  
  mature trees     gravel paths  
  natural-looking     to edge with  
  artistic skill     gilded figures  

Landscape architecture is a profession that involves the design and development of land for human use and enjoyment. It is concerned with the beauty of natural surroundings as well as practical ways to use land and the objects on it. People professionally trained in this field are called landscape architects.

Landscape architects create plans for a wide variety of land development projects. These projects may range from national parks to small city squares, or from multifamily housing developments to gardens for single-family homes. Landscape architects may create equipment for a playground or propose a master plan for university expansion. They are involved at all levels at which land use decisions are made, from land planning to site design, to land use management.

Land planning. Landscape architects prepare regional land use reports, which evaluate what land is best suited for residential, industrial, transportation, and recreation purposes. They study such area features as climate, water supply, vegetation, soil composition, and the slope of the land. They attempt to preserve attractive views and historic landmarks, and to avoid erosion, flooding, and air and water pollution. Landscape architects often work with traffic engineers, economists, ecologists, city planners, and public officials.

Site design. After land use has been determined, landscape architects prepare site development plans and supervise construction contractors. They work with architects to fit structures to land forms, making best use of breezes, sunlight, and views. In designing roads, parks, and other sites, they keep mature trees for shade and arrange for drainage. They design walls, fences, steps, pavement patterns, and planting arrangement.

Landscape architects arrange outdoor facilities so they function smoothly and harmonize with the surroundings. A city plaza, for example, would have sitting places, fountains, and ornamental plants designed to fit well into traffic and building patterns. Today, landscape architects are employed as consultants, teachers, or staff members of government agencies. Most of these positions require a professional degree from an accredited university program.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 716. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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