Студопедия — Developing a plan
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Developing a plan

Before developing a plan for an interior, a designer must consider a number of things. The designer must first determine the purpose of the area, the life style of those who will use it, and the budget available. All the predesign considerations help establish what professional designers refer to as the design concept.


A floor plan drawn to scale helps designers decide the best way to arrange the furniture in a room. Many designers use a scale of 0.25 inch to represent 1 foot. The floor plan of a room 12 feet by 16 feet would thus be drawn as 3 inches by 4 inches. The plan should show the location and width of the walls, windows, doors, closets, and other built- in features. It should also show the location of heating and cooling units and of electric outlets.


A careful study of the floor plan helps the designer see what areas can be used for furniture arrangements and what areas must be left open. For example, areas next to heating or cooling vents would not be suitable places for heavy furniture, which would block the circulation of air in the room. Doorways should be clear so people can easily move into and out of a room. Most designers develop two or more room arrangement plans so they can compare the effectiveness of each.


A room that is used for more than one activity may have two or more furniture groupings. For example, a family room might have groupings for television viewing, game playing, and reading. A child’s bedroom may include separate groupings for sleeping, for study, and for play.





2 Reading

2.1 Scanning. Look through the text and define whether your hypothesis is right. Compare the information from the text with your notes (1.1).


2.2 Skimming. Find in the text the answers to the questions you failed to respond before reading. Add the missing answers to the table (1.3).


2.3 Grammar. State the sense relations between words of the marked sentences by using the proposed algorithm in the Tips.



2.4 Lexis

2.4.1 Tick in the list (1.4) the words and expressions you realized after reading the text without dictionary. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your ability to guess the meaning of the words from the context.

2.4.2 Find in the dictionary the words you could not translate. Write down their translation in the table (1.4) and calculate the percentage of new words you should learn.

2.5 Abstracting. Write an abstract using the algorithm proposed in the Tips.












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