Студопедия — Read the text again and express the idea of each paragraph in questions..
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Read the text again and express the idea of each paragraph in questions..

7. Retell the texts from the point of view of:

•a man having acquired immune deficiency syndrome

•a doctor dealing with these diseases

•a girl whose boyfriend is ill.

8. Predict whether the following statements are true or false:

1) AIDS is now on the decrease. T / F

2) AIDS is accelerating. T / F

3) AIDS has now been a major world health problem for 23 years. T / F

4) North America is the world’s worst hit region. T / F

5) China has experienced an explosion in AIDS cases. T / F

6) It’s easier for a woman to contract AIDS than a man. T / F

Grasmmar:The Preposition.

9. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions of time in, on, at where necessary.

1) I usually finish work early___Friday. I don't work ___the weekend. 2) Let's meet ___five ___Sunday, July 14. 3) I am busy___the moment. Come ___ten minutes' time, please. 4) There was a boat race in Southampton ___Easter Day. A lot of people usually come there ___Easter to see the race. 5) Can you imagine what the world will be ___.the year 2100? 6) When will you have your holiday, ___winter or___summer? — I'll have it late ___August. 7) We started the off ___midnight and reached the place of destination ___twelve hours ___noon. 8)I was in France in 1997. ___that time I was working as a waiter in a small cafe. 9) ___the age of sixteen he left his parents' house. 10)___her wedding day she got up ___dawn. 11) You must come and start doing electrophoresis ___next Thursday. Are you free ___Thursday? 12) I received a lot of presents ___ my birthday. 13) Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked __ the Middle Ages. 14)___every day he got up early ___the morning and went to bed late ___night. 15)___ the 19th century many people died of cholera and smallpox.

10. Fill in the blanks with prepositions of place at, in, on.

1) Excuse me, can you tell me where the concert hall is? — Turn___ the right___ the roundabout. It's ___ the corner of the square. 2) We spent our holiday___ the south coast of France. 3) He lives ___ the tenth floor ___ the centre of the city. 4) There was a

black spot ___ the back of the cultivation tray. 5) There were no vacant chairs to sit ___ so he sat ___ the armchair __the corner. 6) Do you know that Englishmen drive ___ the left? 7) Look, how many stars there are ___the sky! 8) I'm going to the concert ___the Central Concert Hall tomorrow. 9) The delegation was met ___ the airport. 10) I don't want to sit ___the back row, let's sit ___the front. 11) At first it seemed that there wasn't his name ___the list, but then he found it ___ the bottom of the page. 12) __ my way home I saw Helen. She was standing____ the bus stop. 13) She did not want anybody to see her, so she sat ___the back of the car. 14) We were ___ the restaurant yesterday. There were a lot of delicious things ___ the menu.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1603. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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