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Provisional Syllabus of the Course*
Module 1


Week Date In-Class activities Home activities
  practical   Self-analysis. Questionnaires. Teamwork. Professional communication skills. A Contract. Team building activities
7.09 Lecture 1. Introduction. Complexity of Modern Communications. Communication Model. Goals and Prospects of the Modern BC Development Blundel, ch.1. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 1,2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
  practical   Teams’ Poster Presentations. Discussion of a Contract. A team file management. The draft of the contract BC Reader (CM). Exercise: 1.
14.09 Lecture 2. Communication Model. Recipient's role in the communication process. Four aspects of the message. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
  practical BC Reader. Exercises: 1 – 4. Negotiating the contract in small groups. C Reader. Exercises: 5,6.
21.09 Lecture 3. Referential, expressive, relative and appealing aspects of communication model. Feedback. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
  Practical BC Reader. Exercises: 8-10. Discussion of home exercises BC Reader. Exercises: 7.
28.09 Lecture 4. Communication Barriers. Sources of distortions. Explicit and implicit barriers. Blundel, ch. 2. Lahiff&Penrose: ch.2.
  Practical A role play: “Overcoming the barriers”. Training: Verbal and non-verbal communication. Blundel, ch.3-4. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 15. BC Reader. Exercises: 11-12.
5.10 Lecture 5. Communication within the organization. Management of communication flows. Influence of the structure on communication. Features and conditions of effective communication. Types of communication networks. Blundel, ch.6. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
  Practical Training: Verbal and non-verbal communication. Case studies. Blundel, ch.3-4. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 15.
12.10 Lecture 6. Managing the process of group communication. Group communication for group decision-making. Four functions of group decision-making. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 18. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
  Practical Spot test on lectures 1-6. Exercises on group decision making. Beginning of Credit task #1 on group decision making. Work on Credit task #1 on group decision making.
19.10 Lecture 7. Psychology of business communication. Psychological types of a personality according to Eric Burn. Blundel, ch. 2, p. 50-56. Teamwork on Credit task #1.
  Practical Credit Assignment #1. Presentation of team projects on group decision-making. Training on the audience analysis. Hand out Credit Assignment # 1.: Document draft due. BC Reader (W/P): Exercises:1-3.
26.10 Lecture 8. Psychological games in the office. Advantages and disadvantages of the transact analysis. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
9-10   Module Weeks  


Module 2

  Practical Training on identifying types of transacts in business and interpersonal communication. Exercises on transact analysis.
16.11 Lecture 9. Types of business communications. The Johari window. Cultural differences and communication styles. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
  Practical Analysis and writing of cases: psychological games of adults in business communication. Case study
23.11 Lecture 10.Oral communications in business. Interview. Specific and non-specific tools for business communications. Blundel, ch. 2. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 5. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
  practical Training in oral communication Case study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
30.11 Lecture 11. Written communication in business. Personal, group and organisational factors for effectiveness of business communication in management. Ethics of business-communications Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
  Practical Training in group communication Case study. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
7.12 Lecture 12. Audience analysis and written communication. The concept of the audience. Types of professional readers. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Preparing Credit task #2 to hand in.
  Practical Document design on solving a problem and its presentation. Hand out Credit Assignment # 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
14.12 Lecture 13.Writing and planning. Writing in rounds. Pre-analysis Blundel, ch. 11,13. Lahiff&Penrose: ch. 14. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
  Practical Business game “Mousetrap”. BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 1 – 3. Discussion of home exercises. BC Reader (W/P): Exercises:5-6. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
21.12 Lecture 14. Content analysis. Theme: divergent and convergent phase. Content diagram. Blundel, ch. 5. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study. Teamwork on Credit task #2
  Practical BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 5, 6. Discussion of home exercises BC Reader (W/P): Exercises: 7, 8. Teamwork on Credit task #2.
28.12 Lecture 15. Structure analysis: structure diagram and text model. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study
  Practical BC Reader (W/P) Exercises: 9. Discussion of home exercises BC Reader (W/P): Exercises: 10, 11. Preparing Credit task #2 to hand in.
11.01 Lecture 16. Self-presentation. Presentation of Credit assignment 2. Lecture and hand-out material for self-study.
9-10   Module Weeks  

* Subject to change

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Второй этап. 1. Бармены желающие выступать в конкурсе должны: | Autumn Term

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 424. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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