Студопедия — Focus Group
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Focus Group

Basically, focus group is a group of potential consumers used in a market research effort, which is usually designed to determine the likely effectiveness of a product or advertising strategy. When using Focus group method, qualitative data is being gathered from targeted groups of consumers. It involves encouraging a group of 6 to 12 targeted individuals to seat and discuss some topics selected by the business, in order to identify people’s opinions about new products. There’s usually a moderator, or a person who asks the questions and makes a record of the response and reaction of each individual in the group to specific questions about products or particular features of the new product.


Limitations and disadvantages of using Focus group methods:

  • It is very difficult to obtain relevant information about new products and analyse it.
  • It is very difficult to measure the results accurately and objectively.
  • It might be very expensive to do and might lead to high costs.


Advantages of using Focus group method:

  • Only those people are asked the questions, who are in the target group and who can provide relevant information about the new products.
  • Can help businesses make the right decision or choose the right marketing strategy, pricing strategy and promotional campaigns.
  • Provides businesses with the ability to learn about consumer design and brand preferences and product usage.


Topics which will be discussed, and questions which participants will be asked:


  • In the real world, businesses do sometimes ask focus group participants to sign a special document, which obliges them not to tell anyone, what they have heard, seen and discussed during the focus group discussion. This is usually done, because some businesses do not want experience the leak of information from their company to their competitors’. This should be done before the participants take a part in the discussion.
  • Usage of the product (Question will be asked, how often would participants use my new product and how often do they think other people who are interested would be using a new product)
  • Features of the product (Discussing possible features of the product and asking participants whether they would like to have some particular features)
  • Design of the new product (Participant will be asked whether they have any particular ideas about the new design of the product. They will told all current designs of the new product and asked to discuss all potentials designs and choose the one, which they think will be the most attractive design)
  • Competitors’ products (Talking about competitors’ products, whether there might be more competition from the other companies, which are more specialised at producing sports accessories. Participants will also be asked, whether they think it would be a good idea to start cooperation with Speedo, Nike, Umbro, and other firms, which are specialised at producing sports accessories, particularly the ones for swimming.)
  • Pricing and promotional strategies (It will be discussed with participants what particular promotional and pricing strategies, from their point of view, will work best)
  • Place (Participants will required to discuss advantages and disadvantages of selling new products at particular places. For example, it might be discussed, whether it’s better to use in the sports shops or electronic shops.)


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 440. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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