Студопедия — A decrease in the generator output voltage causes an increase in emitter-collector current in all four transistors, producing which of the
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A decrease in the generator output voltage causes an increase in emitter-collector current in all four transistors, producing which of the

following results?

A) The exciter generator output increases, the ac generator field strength decreases, and the generator output increases

B) The exciter generator output increases, the ac generator field strength increases, and the generator output increases

C) The exciter generator output decreases, the ac field strength decreases, and the generator output decreases

D) The exciter generator output increases, the ac generator field strength increases, and the generator output decreases

E) The generator’s armature begins to rotate

63. The exciter generator field is excited with a field-flash voltage from the +28-volt bus under which of the following conditions?

A) K1 energizes

B) The underspeed switch closes

C) Q1 receives a voltage-change indication

D) The generator’s armature begins to rotate

E) To provide exciter shunt field excitation

64. Potentiometer R7 sets the bridge at the desired operating point; however, the reference voltage that determines if a change will occur in the generator’s output voltage is developed across what component?

A) V1

B) RT1

C) CR5

D) CR1

E) A relay

65. What is the purpose of K1?

A) To provide exciter shunt field excitation

B) To protect the transistors from generator overvoltage

C) To prevent exciter excitation before the generator achieves a 90-volt output

D) To provide exciter shunt field excitation from an external source during initial voltage buildup

E) Q1 receives a voltage-change indication

66. Which of the following conditions will cause the CSD to go into underdrive?

A) An engine overspeed

B) An intermediate gearbox overspeed

C) An accessory gearbox overspeed

D) A main gearbox overspeed

E) To provide exciter shunt field excitation

67. The electrical circuit of the ac control system is protected during an underspeed condition by what component?

A) A relay

B) A diode

C) A pressure switch

D) A proximity switch

E) Circuit protection only

68. Which of the following is a function of the supervisory panel for the generator and its associated equipment?

A) Frequency regulation and circuit protection

B) Circuit protection only

C) Voltage regulation only

D) Voltage regulation and circuit protection

E) Underfrequency, undervoltage, and overvoltage conditions only

69. Under which of the following conditions will the supervisory panel disconnect the generator from the load?

A) Frequency and undervoltage only

B) Underfrequency, undervoltage, and overvoltage conditions only

C) Feeder fault, underfrequency, and undervoltage only

D) Feeder fault, overvoltage, undervoltage, underfrequency, and overfrequency

E) Circuit protection only

70. In a supervisory panel, voltage to the generator exciter stator coils is controlled by which of the following functions?

A) Polarity of the dc voltage

B) Amplitude of the dc voltage

C) Frequency of the ac voltage

D) Amplitude of the ac voltage

E) Monitoring switches

71. What component protects the circuit from overvoltage and undervoltage conditions?

A) Voltage sensors

B) Monitoring switches

C) K1 relay contacts

D) K7 relay contacts

E) Phase B output is 120 volts

72. Under what condition will a voltage regulator de-energize the generator output?

A) Phase A output is 105 volts

B) Phase B output is 89 volts

C) Phase B output is 120 volts

D) Phase C output is 127 volts

E) Frequency of the ac voltage

73. Electrical power is connected to electrical equipment by what system?

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