Студопедия — Lifejackets
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.1 General requirements for lifejacket’s


.1 A lifejacket shall not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 s.

.2 An adult lifejacket shall be so constructed that: at least 75% of persons, who are completely unfamiliar with the lifejacket, can correctly don it within a period of 1 min without assistance, guidance or prior demonstration; after demonstration, all persons can correctly don it within a period of 1 min without assistance; it is clearly capable of being worn in only one way or, as far as is practicable, cannot be donned incorrectly; it is comfortable to wear; and it allows the wearer to jump from a height of at least 4.5 m into the water without injury and without dislodging or damaging the lifejacket.

.3 An adult lifejacket shall have sufficient buoyancy and stability in calm fresh water to: lift the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious person not less than 120 mm clear of the water with the body inclined backwards at an angle of not less than 20° from the vertical position; and turn the body of an unconscious person in the water from any position to one where the mouth is clear of the water in not more than 5 s.

.4 An adult lifejacket shall allow the person wearing it to swim a short distance and to board a survival craft.

.5 A child lifejacket shall be constructed and perform the same as an adult lifejacket except as follows:

.1 donning assistance is permitted for small children;

.2 it shall only be required to lift the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious wearer clear of the water a distance appropriate.to the size of the intended wearer; and

.3 assistance may be given to board a survival craft, but wearer mobility shall not be significantly reduced.

.6 In addition to the markings required by paragraph, a child lifejacket shall be marked with:

.1 the height or weight range for which the lifejacket will meet the testing and evaluation criteria recommended by the Organization[*]; and

.2 a "child" symbol as shown in the "child's lifejacket" symbol adopted by the Organization[†].

.7 A lifejacket shall have buoyancy which is not reduced by more than 5% after 24 h submersion in fresh water.

.8 Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle firmly secured by a cord.


.2 Inflatable lifejackets

A lifejacket which depends on inflation for buoyancy shall have not less than two separate compartments and comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.2.1 and shall: inflate automatically on immersion, be provided with a device to permit inflation by a single manual motion and be capable of being inflated by mouth; in the event of loss of buoyancy in any one compartment be capable of complying with the requirements of paragraphs, and; and comply with the requirements of paragraph after inflation by means of the automatic mechanism.


.3 Lifejacket lights


.1 Each lifejacket light shall: have a luminous intensity of not less than 0.75 cd in all directions of the upper hemisphere; have a source of energy capable of providing a luminous intensity of 0.75 cd for a period of at least 8 h; be visible over as great a segment of the upper hemisphere as is practicable when attached to a lifejacket; and be of white colour.

.2 If the light referred to in paragraph is a flashing light, it shall, in addition:

.1 be provided with a manually operated switch; and

.2 flash at a rate of not less than 50 flashes and not more than 70 flashes per minute with an effective luminous intensity of at least 0.75 cd.


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