Студопедия — Useful Shopping Phrases
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Useful Shopping Phrases

Finding a Shop
Questions Answers/Comments
Can you recommend a good toy / clothes shop? Is there a chemist’s / supermarket in the area? Where can I get...? Where’s the nearest shopping centre? The best toy shop is in the shopping centre. There’s a really good bookshop just around the corner. You can buy that here in the hotel. The nearest one is a few miles away.
Opening Hours
What time do you open, please? What time do you close, please? What are your opening hours? Are you open all day? Are you open on Sundays? We’re open from 9am till 6pm, Monday to Friday. We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12 and 2pm. We’re open from 9am till 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Shopping for Clothes
Questions Answers/Comments
Could you help me, please? Could you tell me where the... department is? Excuse me, I’m looking for a... Is there somewhere I can try this on, please? Does it suit me? Do you have this in a (larger / smaller size) (different colour), please? Do you have a refund policy? The ladies / gents changing rooms are over there. It’s too long / short. It’s too tight / loose. You can bring it back and exchange it or get a refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt.  
Asking about prices
Questions Answers/Comments
How much is this, please? How much are these? Is this in the sale? It’s only 99 dollars. It’s in the sale. There’s 25% off. Those are 75 dollars each, with the reduction.
Questions Answers/Comments
Do you take credit cards? Do you give credit? We take all the major credit cards. We only accept cheques with a cheque card.
Do you have a loyalty card? Does it have a warranty? Can I pay by cheque? Do you offer a cash discount? We are offering 6 months free credit with no deposit. Sorry, no. Yes, certainly.

8. Discuss the following in small groups.

  • Why do you think shopping is more popular with women than with men?
  • How has the way we shop changed over the last fifty years? What has allowed these changes to happen?
  • We’ve already seen an explosion of shopping on the Internet. Do you think this trend is going to continue? Do you agree that this kind of shopping is convenient? Why?

9. Work in pairs. Ask a partner:

  • how often they go shopping
  • who is responsible for food and household shopping
  • where they spend most of their money
  • what their favourite shop is.

10. Discuss with a partner which of these shopping methods you regularly use:

· visiting shops

  • ordering by telephone
  • online shopping
  • mail-order catalogues
  • digital TV shopping channels

11. Give a talk on shopping. Remember to discuss:

· why people can’t do without shopping

· whether shopping is more popular with men or women, why

· who does most of the shopping in your family and where

· whether shopping over the Internet will become the main way of buying things in the future, why/why not

Lesson 6. Lifestyle: SPORT & HEALTH

He who has health has hope and

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 543. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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