Студопедия — How people live
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How people live


1 Make at least six sentences.


4 Write a few sentences for an Amazon Indian or an Australian aborigine, to tell him/her how you live.


In Italy

In Britain

In China


people often eat people often drink

tea nee spaghetti etc.


5 Read this, using a dictionary where necessary.



2 Change these sentences as in the examples.

She doesn't like hot weather. (cold)

--------?She likes cold weather.


They eat fish. (X meat)

--------?They don't eat meat.


He works on Saturdays. (?Sundays)

--------7 Does he work on Sundays?


1. He lives in a tent. (X house)

2. They work at home. (X office)

3. It always rains there in winter. (?summer)

4. She doesn't speak Chinese. (Japanese)

5. We like Ann and Peter. (X their children)

6. You play football. (?tennis)

7. He often travels to America. (X Africa)

8. He doesn't eat in restaurants. (at home)

9. He cooks for himself. (X other people)

10. She knows how to make friends.

(X make money)

11. She doesn't like pop music.

(classical music)

12. He reads a lot. (?novels)

13. The train runs on Mondays and Wednesdays.


14. The price doesn't include service. (tax)

15. Our cat eats meat. (X fish)


3 Practise saying these words with the correct stress.



Around the year 1000 AD, some people from north-west

India began to travel westwards- nobody knows why. After leaving their homes, they did not settle down again, but spent their lives moving from one place to another.

Their descendants are called the Romany people, or

Gypsies. There are Gypsies all over the world, and many of them are still travelling, with no fixed homes. There are about eight million of them, including three million in eastern Europe.

Gypsies sometimes have a hard time in the countries where they travel. Because they are different, people may be afraid of them, look down on them, or think that they are criminals. The Nazis persecuted the Gypsies, like the Jews, and nobody knows how many of them died in Hitler's death camps.

Gypsies have their own language, Romany. They like

music and dancing, and they often work in fairs and circuses.

Travelling is very important to them, and many Gypsies are unhappy if they have to stay in one place. Because of this, it is difficult for Gypsy children to go to school, and Gypsies

are often illiterate. In some places, the education authorities try to arrange special travelling schools for Gypsy children, so that they can get the same education as other children.


desert village


Australia around


Brazil vegetable


climate animal


January difficult



"Well, seeing as you ask, this is the National Costume of Uranus.";



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