Студопедия — Assignment.1
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QUIZ a) Are you an adventurous traveller or not? Do the quiz and find out. 1.Your ideal holiday would be A a package holiday to a Spanish beach resort. B staying in a guesthouse in the south of France. C backpacking around India.   2. You usually stay at A an expensive hotel. B a guesthouse or cheap hotel. C campsites or B&Bs (bed and breakfast).   3. When you go on holiday, you A eat the same things you do at home. B try one or two new dishes. C only eat the local cuisine.   4. You always pack A designer clothes. B your mobile phone. C a map and a phrase book.   5. On holiday, you rarely go A hiking or canoeing. B sunbathing. C shopping.   6. You’d rather not travel by A coach. B boat. C plane.   7. When something goes wrong you A take the first plane home. B immediately call your travel agent. C consider it an interesting adventure.   Mostly As: You do not have the spirit of an adventurous traveller. For you, holidays are a time to indulge in your favourite pastimes and relax. Mostly Bs: To you, having fun means enjoying the simple everyday pleasures of life. Even though you may not be looking for extravagant holidays, you certainly appreciate being catered for. Mostly Cs: You are a real traveller interested in experiencing and exploring other cultures. To you, what counts is the journey and not the destination.   b) Read the quiz again and find words describing:  
  • types of holidays
  • accommodation
  • means of transport
  • activities
  Can you add to the list? Now talk about your preferences, as in the example: I love/enjoy/ hate going camping. I usually travel by coach. I stay in a tent. I enjoy.....



Assignment 2

Read and translate the article. Write out new words and word-combinations.

Why, when and how do people travel?


People travel on business or for pleasure. Usually they travel when they are on holiday. When people wish to become tourists, they go to a travel agency and buy a tour of some country from a travel agent. They may travel by air, by train, by boat, by coach or by car. Young people may travel by bicycle or go hitch- hiking. Before booking your foreign holiday make sure you have an insurance policy. When you are abroad you should have some currency on you. All goods must be paid for in foreign currency only. The visa is the most essential thing. You can’t enter the country without it. When tourists arrive at the place of their destination they stay in hotels or motels, guesthouses or B&Bs. When in a big historical city tourists buy and study maps and tour guides of the city.

Today people have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s education. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know the traditions and customs of different peoples is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to practise foreign languages.

It’s always interesting to discover new places and new ways of life, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual music. It's much better than sitting at home and doing nothing. When on a holiday tourists enjoy sunbathing, scuba diving, swimming, windsurfing, rafting, hiking, climbing the mountains, shopping, buying souvenirs, going sightseeing, going on excursions, taking pictures, visiting museums and picture galleries, going to theatres, cinemas, discoes and so on.

As for me, I’m fond of travelling. It’s both my hobby and favourite pastime.


Assignment 3

Read the text again and describe:

· types of holidays

· accommodation

· means of transport

· leisure activities

· reasons of travelling



Assignment 4

1. You and your friend have won a competition and the prize is a holiday of your choice. Discuss the following issues and choose a holiday from the options below:

· which would be the best type of holiday to go on

· what you would like to do while you’re there

· how long you would like to go for

· what preparations you need to make for the trip.


Action adventure

Cross the Sahara on a camel. Fly in a balloon safari. Sleep under the stars. Live your life to the full!


Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 414. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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